Thursday, 26 July 2018

أفضل 6 أطعمة لزيادة معدل خسارة الوزن

إن إتباع حمية غذائية لا يعتمد فقط على تناول فنجان واحد من الشاي وخاصة عندما ترغب في خسارة الوزن بسرعة لكي تتمكن من إرتداء الملابس المناسبة او التخلص من بعض الكيلوجرامات في المناطق العنيدة. لذا كيف يمكنك التأكد من سرعة فقدانك للوزن في حال قيامك بالتسجيل في إحدى برامج فقدان الوزن كالتي تقدمها في إل سي سي للتنحيف؟ نحن لدينا حل فعال يتمثل في الطعام الأمثل والذي سيقوم بحل مشكلتك بدون الإنتظار كثيراً، لنقم بإلقاء نظرة على هذه القائمة:- 
1- الأرز البني: يعد الأرز البني واحد من أكثر الأطعمة التي توفر فوائد هائلة للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في التخلص من الوزن الزائد فهو يعد البديل الصحي للأرز الابيض والأرز البسمتي، فنصف فنجان منه يحتوي فقط على 1.7 جرام نشويات. هذا ما يساعد على زيادة معدل التمثيل الغذائي لديك وكنتيجة لذلك تحترق الدهون. علاوة على ذلك فهو خفيف وسيجعلك تشعر بالشبع دون الحاجة الى تناول المزيد من السعرات الحرارية. 
2- الفاصوليا السوداء: البعض يفضلها والبعض الآخر لا ولكن هذا لا يُغَير حقيقة أن فنجان واحد من الفاصوليا السوداء يحتوي على 15 جرام من البروتين. كما أنها لا تحتوي مطلقاً على دهون مشبعة كالتي تتواجد في اللحوم الحمراء ومصادر البروتين المشابهة. 
3- الجريب فروت: إن كان بإمكانك إضافة بعضاً من الجريب فروت الطازج الى الحمية الغذائية الخاصة بك ستتمكن بالتأكيد من أن تكون متقدماً في السباق عندما يتعلق الأمر بفقدان الوزن. هذه الفاكهة تحتوي أيضاً على الألياف وبالتالي فهي مفيدة للغاية في تقليص رغبتك في تناول العصائر التقليدية. قم بتضمين هذه الفاكهة المثالية في حميتك الغذائية كعصير او في شكلها الطبيعي وإستفد من مميزاتها. 
4- الشوفان: يعد الشوفان من الأطعمة الغنية للغاية بالألياف كما ان نصف فنجان من يحتوي فقط على 4.6 جرام  نشويات. أنت بالفعل في حاجة إلى إيجاد طريقة لإضافته الى حميتك الغذائية نظراً لخلوه من النكهات وذلك يمكن أن يكون على شكل وجبة شوفان منقوع في الليل او يمكنك تناوله كفطور في الصباح كوجبة صحية وشهية في طبق واحد. 
5- الأفوكادو: من الفواكه الأخرى التي تتربع على قائمة الأطعمة المثالية هي الأفوكادو. يمكنك تناولها مطبوخة او بالملعقة او في شكل عصير! فالدهون الأحادية غير المشبعة في هذه الفاكهة سوف تساعدك على مقاومة الجوع وإذابة الدهون. ليس هذا فقط ولكنها أيضاً غنية بالبروتين والألياف. 
6- السالمون: البروتين الخالي من الدهون مثل اللحوم البيضاء يمكن أن يشعرك بالشبع دون إضافة المزيد إلى وزنك. السالمون يعد من أفضل (وأشهى) الخيارات لذلك كما يمكنه أن يساهم في خسارة الوزن مع الحصول على عدة مميزات. من السالمون المدخن إلى سلطة السالمون يمكنك الإختيار بين عدد كبير من الوصفات الصحية لتشعر بالشبع والرضا في نهاية يومك. 

هذه مجموعة من أفضل الأطعمة والتي يمكنك أن تضيفها إلى النظام الغذائي الخاص بك وسوف ترى كيف يمكنها أن تزيد من سرعة فقدانك للوزن. عليك التأكد من إضافتها إلى نظامك الغذائي بدلاً من الذهاب أبعد من ذلك. فهي أفضل طريقة لمساعدتك. 

هل أعجبك ما قرأت؟ للإطلاع على المزيد من الموضوعات المفيدة إستمر في متابعة هذه المساحة.

6 Superfoods That Speed Up Weight Loss

Dieting is not everyone's cup of tea. This holds true especially when you want to lose weight rapidly, fit into that dress or shed those extra pounds from stubborn areas. So, how do you ensure speedy weight loss irrespective of the fact you've signed up for a weight loss treatment such as the ones offered by VLCC slimming in UAE? We have a handy solution in form of superfoods, which is going to help your cause. Without waiting further, let us look at the list: 

Brown Rice – One of the topmost foods that offers tremendous benefits to people who are trying to shed weight is brown rice. The healthier alternative to white, polished rice, even a half-cup of the food will include 1.7 grams Resistant Starch. This is what helps increase your metabolism and as a result, the fat gets burned. Moreover, it is low in terms of density and will make you feel full without adding to the extra calories.   
Black Beans – Some love them, some do not. But it will not change the fact that just one cup of the black beans will include 15 grams of protein. Also, it doesn't contain any of the saturated fats present in red meat and similar protein sources.   
GrapeFruitIf you can include fresh grapefruit in your diet, you can surely be ahead in the race when it comes to slimming down. The fruit also has fibers and therefore, is helpful to curb your appetite than regular juices. Include this superfood in your diet maybe in a smoothie or just like that, and get its benefits.   
Oats – Oats are tremendously rich in fiber and even half a cup of it will include 4.6 grams of resistant starch. Because they taste bland, you need to find out ways to include them in your diet. This can be in the form of overnight soaked oats, which you can have for breakfast or one-pot oat meals, which pack both health and taste in just one recipe!  
Avocados – Another fruit that tops the chart of superfoods is Avocado. You can make avocado dips, smoothies or just scoop and eat spoonfuls of it! The healthy monosaturated fats in the fruit will help you suppress hunger and also, help the fat melt. That's not all, it is also rich in proteins and fibers.   
SalmonLean protein such as poultry can fill you without adding to your weight. Salmons are an excellent (and tasty) option for this and can help lose weight by adding several benefits. From smoked salmons to salmon salad, you can take your pick from numerous healthy recipes, feel full and satisfied at the end of the day. 
These are some of the top superfoods, which you can include in your diet and see how it accelerates weight loss for you. Make sure that you include them in your diet in moderation instead of going overboard. This will help you in a better way.  
Loved what you read? For more such insightful write-ups, keeps watching this space. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

3 Most Common Speech Disorders In Children

Does your little one have trouble with sounds, words, and sentences? Maybe at first, you thought it to be cute. But later, you might have noticed that this is persistent and so the learning process gets hindered. Well, worry not. Your kid is not alone in this rocky boat!

Learning a language takes time and every child takes his own time to do so. Children can master milestones in speech learning quite quickly. However, many of them might suffer from speech and language disorders.

Here are the most common ones, you need to know of –

1.       Articulation Disorder

Does your little one say ‘wabbit’ instead of rabbit? Or ‘cool’ instead of school? Then, he suffers from articulation disorder. Do not panic. It is not as alarming as it sounds like. In articulation disorder, sounds might be omitted or improperly altered during the course of the speech.

Young children display such kinds of problems typically during the initial stages of learning the language. However, if it seems consistent, you might consider taking professional help. Speech disorder therapy for children in Dubai and elsewhere, help the children grow out of it.

2.       Stuttering
You can easily recognize it as you know the way it sounds, right? Well, stuttering or stammering is very common both in children and adults. Stuttering in children is involuntary and can be eliminated completely if the right treatment is provided.

Stuttering refers to the disruption in the fluency of speech, either by repetition, prolongation, or a block on sounds and words. It becomes a problem only when it has an impact on your child’s daily activities. Thus, look out for signs of anti-socializing, anxiousness, and lack of confidence in your little one.

3.       Apraxia of speech

Is your kid finding it difficult to express what he wants to say? Well, then the cause is ‘apraxia’. Apraxia is an oral-motor speech disorder that causes problems to be sequencing and forming sounds. The kid may know what he wants to say, but due to a disruption in the part of the brain that sends signals, he might not be able to do so.

In this scenario, the ability of the speech function or the speech muscles is lost or obscured. It is usually caused by brain damage. However, there is often a correlation present with close family members suffering from learning or communication disorders. There are different cases of this disorder having different intensities. So, make sure to take quick action, before it gets rooted in your child’s system.

These most common disorders will give you a brief idea to identify whether your kiddo is really suffering from one such disorder or not.

Do not go to pieces and lose hope if your bub faces any speech issues. Buckle up and begin with an integrated speech therapy treatment plan today!

4 Simple Speech Therapy Activities For Adults

Are you anxious about socializing because of the persistence of unfortunate speech difficulty? Well, it is time to put a full stop to this stressful condition. The good news is, there are some simple speech therapy activities, designed for adults to help them communicate, think and safely eat and drink.
Hence, now you need not worry about hanging out with your peers and loved ones. This is a list of simple speech activities, which will help you regain your lost confidence –

1.       Picture dictionaries
Sneak back into your childhood with colorful pictures and images. Adding a rainbow of motivation and entertainment in your daily life! Picture dictionaries help you improve your speech and have fun at the same time. They use photographs or illustrations in defining, interpreting, and explaining both simple and complex words.

If your reading ability is impaired, this can be the ideal way to practice speech sounds. Many picture dictionaries are also available in more than one languages. This can thus prove to be a very handy tool for the bilingual people to boost their speech.

2.       Reading practice with simple stories

Do you remember the stories you read out to your children or grandchildren? How simple yet interesting they were, weren’t they? Well, they can come to your aid to have an improved speech. Short stories presented in a clear, interesting, and simple format, help adults regain their reading and speech skills in no time.

Less vocabulary allows you to concentrate on basic sounds and patterns of every single word in the story. Speech disorder therapy for adults in Dubai and elsewhere, specifically designs reading material for the purpose of therapy.

3.       Video Assistance

Want to bring some life to your language? Taking it one step ahead, using videos is an interactive aid that acts as a therapy, helping the adults to strengthen their understanding. A patient is encouraged to watch the video and repeat the words or sentences shown in it.

This also boosts the conversational skills of the patient and recover him in a faster way. Many user-friendly mobile apps help break down the difficult words or phrases and into helpful little videos.

4.       Word puzzles and Games

what better way to achieve your skills and self-confidence than with the help and support of your friends and family? Word puzzles and games, acting like a speech therapy, ensure the participation of your loved ones in the therapy. This makes your mammoth mission seem like a cheerful and inspiring task.

Word puzzles help visualize words, thus improving your memory and retrieval in speech. Games specifically geared towards adult speech practice, benefit the patient in the longer term.

“The girl wore her hair tied in two braids, tied in two blue bows.” Yes, once you follow these tips, you will even be able to say such sentences without any hassle.


Speech therapy is not only associated with children’s disorders but also caters to the language and speech challenges in the people of all ages. Regular practice of trouble-free and interesting tips that you can execute at home, will help you shrug off your fears and apprehensions.

Simple Tips To Wear The Perfect Party Dress

Do you have a closet full of beautiful dresses but find it difficult to figure out what and when to wear? Oh, the happening parties and the attempts of trying to rock it with panache – We all have to choose a perfect outfit to shine bright! If you feel helpless while choosing the perfect party dress, don’t you worry. You are not alone in this rocky boat.

Whether it might be your friend’s cocktail party, a simple Sunday brunch, or an outdoor family party, you need to dress to suit the occasion. Here is a rundown of some tips, that will help you find the best outfit for every party.

Here are some simple tips to rock the perfect party dress for different occasions –

1.       The Office Party

Work parties can be tricky, right? Well, the key here is to look stylish and maintain the professionalism, all at the same time. Go for a classic look, and you will be the simple and elegant fashionista of the party.

This is the chance to show your co-workers your glamorous side. A subtle chic tuxedo or a pastel color plain maxi dress will do you good. Don’t forget to style it up with minimal yet classy accessories. Women’s designer collections online also have a wide variety of office party dresses which you can try out.

Pro tip: Keep your makeup simple and office-appropriate and go for a low-key perfume.

2.       The Family Gathering

Family functions call out for fun and tasteful outfits that show your loved ones your killer fashion sense. Choose an outfit that matches the venue, timing, and the reason for the party. Everyone takes a lot of pictures during family events and so you need to look your best!

If it is an outdoor casual lunch party, you can wear something as simple as shorts and a tank-top. You can also don a pretty mini-skirt and jazz it up with some accessories like hairbands and pumps. In case of an indoor classy event, a simple A-line dress would be good to go. Make sure to wear that bracelet or the ring your parents or grandparents gifted you.

3.       Cocktail Party

The best event to build a network, glam up, and have some fun! Cocktail parties are certainly something which you are looking forward to. So, ladies, it is time to rock your sexiest outfit!
Do not shy away and go for the bold. Shimmering fabrics, backless dresses, and cowl necklines are something which you should put on. Make sure to channelize it to make it look elegant and sophisticated. Also, work on your hairstyle and makeup. Sequined stilettoes or strapped high-heels will complete your look.

These top tips for party-dressing will make your life easier.


Don’t worry about what to wear, because you have got it all figured out now! Let dressing for parties be a joy and throw around some glitz and sparkle! Cheers!