Saturday, 28 July 2018

Let Your Skin Breathe - Choose the Right Facial

Does every visit to the beauty salon leave you more confused due to an overabundance of facial options? Do you feel sketchy looking at all the exotic names of the ingredients in the facials? Are you unsure about what facial will suit your skin type the most? Well, you are not alone. There are many who are of the same opinion and for this purpose, here are some pointers, which will prove to be immensely helpful:

·        Do not change salons too often – Your skin care is of utmost importance and it is a must to give it in the hands of a trusted expert. When you visit a salon for a few times, they will be more experienced with handling your skin type. Hence, if you change your skin specialist way too often, then you will be in trouble for sure.
·        Lymphatic drainage for facial works well – A facial lymphatic massage makes a wonderful difference to your skin as it eliminates all the toxins. When you opt for a skin treatment in Oman, do ask about facials that include this treatment. It will leave your skin looking and feeling amazing for sure!
·        Read the Basics – As a rule of the thumb, know the basics such as what the facial will include such as – cleansing, exfoliating, the mask, moisturizer. Ask your skin therapist what all will be done and how much time will be taken for each. Depending on your skin type, they will chalk out a facial plan, which will bring about a good balance of moisture and oil and prevent breakouts.
·        Hygiene is Important – No matter what facial you choose, make it a point to see if the facility is hygienic or not. The beauticians will also make sure to maintain proper hygiene, whether it is wearing gloves, using clean clothes and washing up thoroughly between the procedure. Do a thorough research and visit the salon a few times to know how they maintain cleanliness in the first place.
·        Don’t be afraid to spend – If you are getting the best treatment as suggested by the reviews of other customers, do not stop yourself from spending on the right facial treatment. There are many such wellness centers in Oman that offer facials, which may cost a bit high. But they will be surely way better than other centers that promise a lot but do not provide effective services. 

 To Conclude
These are some of the things that you need to take into consideration when it comes to choosing the apt facial that will suit your skin type. The next time you book an appointment, just walk in confidentially and ask them for the best one from their menu. Do share you experiences with us.

All You Wanted to Know About Chemical Peel Treatments

Chemical peels are basically treatments, which use special ingredients such as plant extracts. The peels are applied on the basis of your skin type and is administered by a certified professional under the guidance of dermatologist. The peels are also known as chemexfoliation or derma peeling. In the process, the plant extract-based acids help in controlled skin resurfacing process. This leads to the destruction of a layer of the skin with or without the dermis, as they call it.
When you opt for the peels, the old layer of the skin gives way to a new layer, which is smoother, brighter and softer, giving you a youthful glow.
The common variants of the chemical peel treatment in UAE include:

  • Light chemical peels – These are the mildest of all peels and suit almost all the skin types. If you are looking forward to a treatment that is safe and exfoliates just the top layer of the skin, this is the best option. You can use it to get rid of acne scars and improve skin’s texture, which was damaged due to external aggressors.
  • Medium chemical peels – These peels penetrate deep in the skin as compared to the light peels and go up to the middle and upper layer of the dermis. These have some special properties to fight acne in particular. These peels also help in smoothening the fine lines and treating skin pigmentation to a large extent.
  • Deep chemical peels – Deep chemical peels go further deep in the skin and can be used to provide the best results. The drawback is that you can opt for these peels only once and not too frequently. These peels can help eliminate deeper and worse forms of wrinkles. Even when the skin is sun damaged, the peels can come to your rescue.
The Benefits of Chemical Peels
The benefit of chemical peels are many and this is the reason why you need to go for the peels. These are:
  • Removing the dead skin cells and rejuvenating the skin
  • Smoothening the skin’s overall texture
  • Clearing the dry skin patches
  • Eliminating the tan on the skin
  • Improving the overall complexion
  • Providing an even skin tone
  • Curbing acne and spots
  • Softening any type of scars
  • Treating the whiteheads and blackheads
  • Treating pores
  • Decreasing excess oil production
So, how do you decide which peel is the best for you?
To begin with, you need to ensure that you visit the best skin care center and consult their dermatologist. They will guide you and prescribe the best peel that can help your cause. You can take your pick from pyruvic, glycolic and many other procedures and end up knocking off a few years from your age!!
What are you waiting for? Do your research, find the right chemical peel and get started!!

6 Facts You Need to Know About Adult Acne

We’ve all made friends (and peace with) acne as teenagers. They have given us sleepless nights and affected our confidence adversely. And we thought that someday, they will leave us permanently post puberty. Right?


Acne is also an adult problem and the only difference is that not many people know the underlying facts that are associated with it. Let’s take a look at the facts to know more:

1.       What Causes Adult Acne? The causes of adult acne are not very clear. However, people associate it with certain sex hormones, especially the androgens. Apart from the hormones, external aggressors such as smoking, chemicals in the cosmetics, stress and some medications can also lead to this condition. Sometimes, even genetics do have a role to play in the outbreaks.

2.       It May Hit People Above 25 Years of Age – Both men and women beyond the age of 25 years may suffer from adult acne. When such acne constantly reappears post 25 years of age is called persistent adult acne.

3.       It Affects People Psychologically - The acne not only makes your face unsightly, but also affects one psychologically. It surely is different when you have a clear face and it is not the basis of everything. But then, peer pressure and the importance of being presentable does affect one’s psyche. This is the reason why there are many people who are opting for acne scar treatment Qatar and consulting leading dermatologists.

4.        Acne Scars Are Reminders – Acne scars are another issue that accompanies adult acne. These can be mild, moderate or even severe, depending on the breakouts. This problem is especially prominent for all those who have oily skin and are prone to more breakouts than others. For instance, they may have oily scalp and dandruff issues, which in turn leads to acne appearances on various parts of the face, especially the forehead and the cheeks. The acnes formed leave marks and therefore, consulting a dermatologist is the only way out.

5.       Treatments Do Help – Adult acne can be treated with topical treatments, oral antibiotics and other specialized therapies that target the outbreaks. Sometimes it may take several weeks to see the results, but it is totally worth it.

6.       Using the Right Products can Help – Believe it or not but some acne products do work. They contain natural ingredients that can curb the outbreaks as well chemicals such as salicylic acid that controls excess oil production and stops acne.

Adult acne is totally unexpected and throws life on the wrong track. With proper care, knowledge about it and treatment at the best wellness center, you can be assured of getting rid of this without any worries. Want to read more about skin care and similar topics? Keep a tab on this space to know more.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

البوتوكس لا يجعلك تبدو غير طبيعي وبعض الحقائق الأخرى

إن القيام بتغيير مظهرك الجسدي قرار هام للغاية. إقتراح البوتوكس من الإختيارات التي قد نلجأ إليها عندما نرغب في التخلص من خطوط البشرة التي تضيف المزيد من السنوات الى وجوهنا. الآن، قد تكون سمعت كثيراً عن علاج البوتوكس في مملكة البحرين او في اماكن أخرى وقد يتضمن ذلك بعض الإدعاءات التي لا أساس لها من الصحة! نحن قمنا بإجراء بحث وسنحاول إلقاء الضوء على بعض الحقائق المتشابهة والتي قد تعطيك بعض الثقة لكي تقوم به:

·         إحصل على البوتوكس قبل ظهور التجاعيد: اول شائعة خاطئة هي أنك تحتاج للبوتوكس فقط عندما تبدأ التجاعيد في الظهور. وعلى الرغم من ذلك فإن هذه المعلومة خاطئة تماماً حيث أن حتى الأشخاص الأصغر في العمر والذين يعانون من خطوط بالوجه يمكنهم البدء في علاج الأمر لمنع إنتشار هذه الخطوط ووصولها الى مراحل أسوأ. كما أن ذلك سيضمن لهم عدم حاجتهم الى المزيد من العلاج بعد ذلك.

·         أنت لا تحتاج الى البوتوكس بشكل متواصل: إن حقن البوتوكس علاج مؤقت يستمر مفعوله بين 35 شهور. ولذلك إذا لم تستمر في العلاج سوف تعود التجاعيد مرة أخرى. وفي كل الأحوال انت لن تعاني من مظهر التجاعيد الذي كنت تعاني منه قبل تلقي العلاج.

·         الرجال أيضاً يمكنهم أن يخضعوا للبوتوكس: إن البوتوكس ليس فقط خاص بالنساء حيث يمكن للرجال ايضاً إختيار هذا العلاج للحصول على مظهر أكثر شباباً وزيادة ثقتهم بأنفسهم. هذا بالتأكيد يساهم في إثقال تعبيرات الرجال حال كانوا متخصصين في مجالات مثل المحاماة والسياسة.

·         البوتوكس آمن تماماً: شائعة أخرى تعترض البوتوكس وهو أنه ليس علاجاً آمناً وذلك بالرغم من إعتماده كعلاج من قبل إدارة الغذاء والدواء في عام 1989 وضمن أغراض التجميل في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في عام 2002. فهناك العديد من الإختبارات التي تمت عليه للتأكد من كونه علاج آمن ويتم إستخدامه من قبل الأشخاص المؤهلين في المراكز المختلفة حول العالم. وإذا كان هذا العلاج غير آمن كانت أعداد قليلة فقط من الأشخاص سوف تلجأ إليه.

·         البوتوكس يختلف عن الفيلر: يعتقد الكثيرون أن البوتوكس والفيلر هما نفس العلاج فقط لأنهما يساعدان على الحصول على مظهر أكثر شباباً. فالبوتوكس يساعد عن محاربة علامات التقدم في العمر المتغيرة بينما يساهم الفيلر في التخلص من الخطوط الثابتة.

·         البوتوكس لن يجعل مظهرك يبدو جامداً: لعنة تجمد الوجه! هذا ما يعتقده الناس ولكن هذا غير صحيح فالبوتوكس لن يجعلك تبدو جامداً او غير طبيعي مطلقاً! فهذا الامر قد يواجه فقط الاشخاص الذين يخضعون للعديد من العلاجات مع البوتوكس ولذلك يحصلون عن نتائج غير مرضية. فالعلاج يعمل على تقليل حركات الوجه بشكل بسيط ولا يقوم بإيقافها تماماً!

·         حقن البوتوكس غير مؤلمة: بعكس ما يعتقده ويقوله البعض، إن حقن البوتوكس غير مؤلمة ولطيفة فمستوى الألم الذي تتسبب فيه حقن البوتوكس أقل من اللدغة الصغيرة! لن تشعر بشئ على الإطلاق نظراً لأن العلاج سريع وينتهي في خلال 15 دقيقة.

الآن وأنت على علم بكافة الحقائق، يمكنك أن تعطي البوتوكس فرصة لترى كيف سيساعدك في الحصول على مظهر أكثر شباباً. كل ما عليك فعله هو أن تختار أفضل مركز للحصول على العلاج وسوف تجد أن من الأفضل لك ان تذهب! للمزيد من المعلومات، قوموا بزيارتنا على ــــ 

8 Ancient Skin Care Tips That Work Wonders

The dirt, dust, pollution and other external elements are detrimental to your skin and your hair. While there are several cosmetics that you can use to control the ill-effects, almost nothing can beat ancient remedies, which work really well on almost all the skin types. Let's look at some of these skin care in Oman tips, which can work wonders for you and have been around since ancient times!  

Neem – Neem or Margosa is one of the most effective treatment that can be used for the skin on an everyday basis. All you need to do is crush a few of the leaves to form a smooth paste and then, apply it on your face as a mask. Leave this for some time and rinse the mask after some time using cold water. The antiseptic properties of the leaves make sure that your skin is healed of all the impurities, especially if there's any acne or other, slight infection.   

Saffron – Saffron is an excellent ingredient for when you want to lighten your skin. Simply mix a few strands of the spice in milk along with lemon juice and thoroughly massage the skin with it. When you're done, wash it and you'll be able to feel a difference.  

Honey – No one can deny the wonderful effects of honey for the skin. The moisturizing property of this ingredient is amazing for hydrating your skin. You can make a spray of honey and water and use it on the skin after a tiring day at work and you will instantly feel refreshed. Also, mix honey in various masks to enhance them further and give your skin the pampering it needs!  

Fuller's Earth – Fuller's earth is one of the most well-known ingredients, which helps keep oil at bay. You can easily make basic face packs using it with rose water and honey, mix them well and apply it. The pack will help target blackheads and whiteheads as well and make your skin feel fresh like never before  

Turmeric – Turmeric is another antiseptic ingredient, which brings endless benefits to the front. Including it in your packs can help you get rid of acne, scars, wrinkles and pigmentation, leaving you with a glowing, bright skin.   

Sandalwood – Sandalwood stands out because of its cooling properties. It alone is sufficient to fight acne and can reduce them overnight. It is also said to cure headaches and gives you an even-toned complexion when you use it regularly.   

Curd – Curd or Yogurt is amazing for the skin, especially when it comes to tan removal. You can mix it with some honey and apply it on the skin. Rinse thoroughly to get pure skin in no time.   

Coconut Oil – Coconut oil is great for treating dryness. You can massage your skin with this oil to see how it starts glowing in no time.  

There are many beauty treatments, which offer exclusive benefits of all these ingredients. You can give them a try too and derive the advantages.