Wednesday, 15 August 2018

5 Facts About Botox You Need To Know

Is Botox safe for me? Will Botox make me look “frozen”? Which is the best place to get Botox treatment? These are some of the questions people will always have about the treatment. But the procedure is far removed from the myths that are associated with it. If you want to know more about it, you’ve arrived at the right place. Here are some points, which will help you understand it in a far better manner:

Botox Consists of a Bacterial Toxin –

 Botox is an injection that includes a formula containing the bacterial toxin. It is no rocket science but a protein, which is called Botulinum Toxin or BTX. This is where the name came from. There are two types of Botox – type A and type B, which are used commercially and are completely safe when administered by a licensed professional.

It is FDA Approved –

Botox was officially approved by the FDA for clinical use in 2002. The injection has soaring sales in various countries and there are many takers of Botox treatment in Kenya as well. Hence, if you had any doubts about the safety of the treatment, you can be assured that it is 100% safe due the clearance by FDA.

It Can Reduce Sweating –

 As bizarre as it sounds, Botox is also an effective tool that reduces sweating. It can be injected into the areas where the sweat glands work overtime. This includes the scalp area, the armpits and the hands/feet. So, you can see that it is not only limited to beauty but can also help improve your health!

Wrinkles Cause by Sun Damage Can’t Be Treated –

Botox treatment is used to relax the facial muscles and even out any fine lines or wrinkles. When you opt for regular sessions, you can reduce the new wrinkle formation as well. However, what you cannot treat are wrinkles that have been caused due to sun damage. This is due to the fact that Botox only works on the muscles that are right below the skin’s surface.

It’s Temporary –

The effect of Botox is temporary, and you need to get a touch up by settling for a schedule of injections. The process is short with no downtime and you can book an appointment to get the treatment for an average of 4-6 months. This will ensure that the effects will last for a longer duration. Hence, don’t get under the impression that you will only need one treatment and will be done with it for life!

These are some of the facts that you need to know before opting for Botox treatment. For more such insightful write-ups, keep a tab on this space. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2018


You don’t want to end up being a fashion disaster at your friend’s or acquaintance’s wedding, do you? Well, it is quite simple and straightforward to dress well for a wedding. Nonetheless, it is of utmost importance to follow the wedding attire etiquette.
Here are some quick refreshes tips to help you rock the wedding season –

1    1. Keep the venue in mind

You certainly don’t want to end up wearing a silky ballgown to a beach wedding, do you? Well, choosing an outfit according to the venue is a must as it helps in avoiding some serious fashion blunders.

Paying attention to the details about the venue and the theme of the wedding will help you pick the outfit. Many brands of women’s designer collections online, offer outfits according to the theme of the wedding. Like for instance, if it is a Summer wedding, you can wear a sundress or a floral Boho outfit and you are sure to be the star of the ceremony. Make sure that you choose your accessories too according to the venue. To give an illustration – Wear a flower crown and strappy sandals for a beach wedding, and you are good to go!

2     2. Go for solid colors and simple patterns

Are you thinking of wearing a shimmering sequined dress and catch everyone’s eyeballs? Well, you certainly don’t want to be overdressed or dressed in uncomfortable clothing.

The secret ingredient to look your best on any wedding is to wear sober yet stylish and comfy clothes. Solid colors like blue, black, or pastels, never disappoint and suit well with any body type. Additionally, you can also well accessorize these solid colors and shine out in a crowd. If you are deciding on wearing patterns, make sure that you are choosing something simple and decent. Stripes or polka dots are new in and you can jazz up your pattern outfit with some chunky jewelry.

3    3. Avoid being too revealing 

Don’t you think that an extremely body-hugging or a revealing dress is unacceptable for a wedding? Well, showing too much of skin is another faux pas at a wedding.

It is understood that you might want to show off your curves or tanned body and so the revealing clothes. However, you must avoid diverting attention from the bride and the groom. Having said that, it is always a good practice to dress sober and avoid plunging necklines or backless gowns. If you are at a cocktail party or a bachelor’s party, then there is no one to stop you from wearing such outfits!

      4. Always avoid white

Isn’t it very much obvious? Well, it might be tempting to put on a simple white dress. Nonetheless, you must avoid stealing the beautiful bride’s thunder. 

Unless in a wedding, you are specifically asked to wear white, avoid wearing white, cream, or ivory outfits. It is your friend’s big day and her time to look picture-perfect for the party. All things considered, wearing a white outfit is on the table merely for the brides and you can save your white dress for some other occasion. Look for an alternative and avoid the drama!

These tips will help you decode the guide to pick and rock the perfect wedding dress.


As a guest at a wedding, it might be complicated to pick up an outfit that will go well with all the things possible. But, following these simple tips will do you good and you will be the fashionista at every wedding ceremony! 

5 Skin Care tips for Acne and Breakouts

Acne, pimples, zits…call them by any name and they will stay as unsightly and as unwanted as ever! The eruptions on the skin occur due to various reasons, which can be rooted in your lifestyle, type of skin, genetics or external aggressors. These show up on the skin at the onset of puberty and for some people, may extend well after they are 25 years old. That said, here are some of the top skin care tips that will help you manage your acne and breakouts.

1.       Wash Your Face Properly – The first rule of the thumb is to make sure that your skin is clean and devoid of any impurities. This begins with thorough cleansing using a facewash or cleanser that is specifically meant for acne-prone skin. If you are too tired of washing your face or have no time, keep some baby wipes or wet tissues handy to wipe off the extra dirt, dust and grime from your skin.

2.       Over Exfoliation is a No – While scrubbing your face once a week is a must, over exfoliating it may aggravate the breakouts more. Also, it will lead to redness, swelling, inflammation and spread it further. It may even lead to scarring. Hence, you need to ensure that you are extra careful with the exfoliation bit and restrict it to no more than 2-3 times a week.

3.       Clean The Tools and Towels – Makeup tools such as beauty blenders, sponges, applicators and brushes need to be cleaned on a regular basis. The same also holds true for your face towels. Using dirty tools and towels can transfer new bacteria on the face, leading to an acne disaster. This applies to your pillowcases and phone screens too. Hence, keep everything spotlessly clean and switch them to make sure that your face is devoid of new breakouts.

4.       Let the Pores Breathe – The mainstay of a good skin is to let your pores breathe. Some of the ways to ensure this is wearing absolutely no makeup during makeup, using sunscreens, moisturizers and other products that do not clog the pores.  

5.       Don’t Use Odd Home Remedies – Odd home remedies such as applying toothpaste or rubbing alcohol may sound tempting and interesting. However, these can aggravate your acne. Instead, go for the products recommended by your aesthetician or dermatologist. Or simply opt for acne treatment in Kenya or anywhere you are based out of.

Calling it a Day

These are some of the tips, which you can opt for to keep acne at bay. But surely, there is nothing like skin treatment in Kenya that specifically targets the breakouts and give you a clear complexion. Need more tips like this? Stay tuned as we will be back with more!

How to Get Slim Without Any Fad Diets?

You’ve seen celebrities following them. You’ve seen them setting trends on social media. But are these diets really that effective? Can’t we get more realistic about what we eat in order to get slim? We have the answer for you in the form of these tips:

Follow the Food Pyramid – 

    Remember the age-old food pyramid, which you learned about in school? Yes, the same pyramid is going to be your getaway for eating right and eating a balanced diet without putting on excess weight. And let’s not forget that it also helps nourish your body by making it replete with all the necessary nutrients.

Indulging in Moderation is Fine – 

    Generally, fad diets don’t allow you to enjoy a slice of pastry or your favorite fries. So, what do you do when you want a mouthful of chocolate cake or a slice of pizza when you are trying to shed the extra flab? The answer is to eat them in moderate portions and balance out by eating simple, oil and sugar-free food for the rest of the week.

Cook at Home – 

    Are you always eating on the go or ordering food? What about processed food that you heat in the microwave and start eating? If this sounds like you, then make it a point to start cooking at home and eat fresh. Having a garden or a kitchen garden can be of tremendous help because you will be able to grow something and eat organic food as well. This is going to benefit you in the long run not just to keep a watch on the weight, but also for staying more healthy.

Be Active –

    When you are aiming for a fat reduction in Oman or anywhere else for that matter, the master plan is to become more active than you are in your daily routine. For instance, if it is possible, walk as much as you can to take the local train or sub to work. You can also do some of the basic household chores not just on the weekends, but also on weekdays. Similarly, making changes such as taking stairs instead of the elevators and parking the car in a faraway spot can also do the trick and help you burn the calories. This takes us to the next point.

Join an Activity Class –

    An activity class such as Zumba, Yoga, Spin or even outdoor adventures can be fun because it will help you make new friends. At the same time, you will be able to lose weight rapidly, without even realizing it. You can look up several activity classes online and join the one that suits your timings and stamina.

The wrap

    These are some of the most effective tips, which will come to your aid when you want to lose weight without falling for any fad diets. Need more such weight loss tips from us? Keep watching this space.

٥ خطوات بسيطة يمكنك الإعتماد عليها لخسارة الوزن

هل قُمت بتجربة الحميات الغذائية المختلفة ولكن الأمر لم ينجح وسُرعان ما عدت إلى تناول الوجبات الخفيفة المفضلة لديك؟ حسناً، إن هذا الأمر يحدث للجميع، ولا يوجد شيء يمكنك فعله حيال ذلك. من دون إضاعة الكثير من الوقت، دعنا نُلقي نظرة على بعض النصائح البسيطة لفقدان الوزن والتي تحتاج إلى الإعتماد عليها لكي تحصل على المظهر المثالي إذا كنت ترغب في فقدانالوزن في الكويت:

١. تناول وجبة الفطور: على الرغُم من أن جميع الوجبات مهمة بنفس القدر عند الرغبة في إنقاص الوزن، ولكن لا يُمكنك تجاهل تناول وجبة فطور صحية وملائمة على وجه الخصوص. يُمكنك زيادة تناول البروتينات الخالية من الدهون، والأطعمة الغنية بالألياف مثل الحبوب الكاملة، واللبن الزبادي الخفيف والصحي لكي تتمكن من بدء يومك وأنت تشعر بالشبع والرضا. سيؤدي ذلك إلى عدم شعورك بالجوع وتمضية اليوم بنشاط.

٢. إحتفظ ببعض الوجبات الخفيفة: من المألوف أن تشعُر ببعض الجوع خلال يومك أثناء العمل أو في أي مكان آخر. ولذلك عليك بالإحتفاظ ببعض الوجبات الخفيفة معك في كل وقت. تُعد بعض الفواكه الجافة أو الهليون أو الجزر أو الخيار أو السلطة أو بعض الفواكه المُقطعة من الوجبات الخفيفة الصحية واللذيذة أيضاً. قُم بإختيار الوجبات الخفيفة التي تُناسبك وإعتمد عليها خلال اليوم دون القلق من زيادة الوزن!

٣. قلل من إستخدام الملح والسكر: يُمكن أن يُزيد الملح من إحتباس الماء والإنتفاخ بينما السكر هو المُسبب الرئيسي للكثير من المُشكلات. التقليل من شأن هذين المكونيٌن يُمكن أن يجعلك أفضل مما تتخيل. إبدأ بقراءة المُلصقات، ولا سيٌما على المواد الغذائية المُصنعة لمعرفة مُكوناتها. من الناحية العلمية، المنتجات التي تحتوي على نسبة منخفضة من الصوديوم يوجد بها 140 مجم أو أقل منه لكل حصة. التدقيق فيما تضعه في عربة التسوق الخاصة بك يُمكن أن يُساعدك على فقدان الوزن.

٤. هل تُحب القهوة؟ تناول ما تريد منها: كوب من القهوة يُساعد أيضاً على فقدان الوزن. هذا لأن الكافيين يعمل كمُدر طبيعي للبول وغني بمضادات الأكسدة. لذلك إذا كنت تشرب الشاي الأخضر أو الأنواع الأخرى العُشبية من الشاي، يُمكنك أيضاً إختيار التحول إلى فنجان من القهوة للحصول على نفس النتيجة.

٥. إضافة التوابل الحارة: إن تناول الطعام الحار يُمكن أن يُساعدك على خفض السُعرات الحرارية بشكل رئيسي بسبب مادة الكابسيسين، والتي توجد في الفلفل والهلابينو. هذه المواد الغذائية سوف تجعل جسمك يتحرر من الأدرينالين وبالتالي يزيد من عملية حرق السعرات الحرارية. ولذلك، لا تتوقف عن إضافة بعض التوابل الحارة إلى طعامك.

كانت هذه بعض النصائح التي تُمكنك بسهولة من فقدان الوزن. هل لديك المزيد من نصائح التخسيس التي تُريد مشاركتها معنا؟ قُم بإضافتها، نحن نتطلع إلى معرفتها!

5 Super Easy Weight Loss Tips You Need To Adopt

Have you tried all the fad diets but are back to square one after binge eating on your favorite snacks? Well, it happens to the best of us and there’s really nothing that you can do about it. Without wasting much time, let’s look at some super easy weight loss tips that you need to adopt and get back in shape when you are aiming for weight loss in Kuwait:

1.       Eat a Filling Breakfast – Although all the meals are equally important when you want to lose weight, eating a healthy and filling breakfast in particular cannot be ignored. You can increase the intake of lean protein, food rich in fibers such as whole grain, yogurt and a healthy smoothie to kickstart the day and satiate yourself. This will keep your hunger pangs in check and help you have a smooth sailing for the rest of the day.

2.       Keep Snacks Handy – It’s not uncommon to feel hungry in the middle of a meeting or in between tasks when you are at work or elsewhere. This is where you need to keep some healthy snacks with you all the time. A pack of dry fruits, asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, salads or chopped fruits are immensely healthy and even tasty. Weigh your options and pick and choose your favorite snacks and munch them without worrying about putting on those extra pounds!

3.       Cut Down on Salt and Sugar – Salt can increase the water retention and bloating while sugar is the underlying cause of several disorders. Cutting down on these two ingredients can do you more good than you can ever think of. Start by reading the labels, especially on the processed food items to see any trace of these. Ideally, a low sodium product needs to have 140 mg or less per serving. Being wise about what you put in your shopping cart can thus help your weight loss regimen!

4.       Love Coffee? Go for It – A cup of joe can also help in losing weight. This is because caffeine acts as a natural diuretic and is rich in antioxidants. So if you are already drinking green tea or other types of herbal tea, you can also choose to switch to a cup of coffee for similar effect.

5.       Add Spice – Eating spicy food can definitely help you cut back those calories mainly because of capsaicin, which is an ingredient in peppers and jalapeno. These food items will make your body release adrenaline and therefore, boost your calorie-burning abilities. Hence, don’t shy away from adding some extra spice to your food!

These are some of the ways through which you can easily lose weight. Have more slimming tips that you want to share with us? Bring them on. We’re all ears!

Monday, 13 August 2018

5 Common Diet Myths That You Need To Ditch

When you want to lose weight, you simply want to do everything that you can in order to shed those extra pounds. But with several fad diets made popular by celebrities, it is difficult to decide what is best for you. And sometimes, the truth is far from what you know. Let’s look at some of the top diet myths you need to ditch for weight loss in UAE:

1   1.   Eat When You are Hungry –
    Ever tried a diet in which you starve yourself and eat only when you are hungry? Then repent, because you ate more than what you usually eat? Yeah, this is what you are doing wrong. The key to weight loss is to keep yourself filled by eating healthy and eating at regular intervals. Start your day with a heavy breakfast and gradually lower the quantity of food you eat for lunch, dinner and during snack time. Ideally, you need to eat food loaded with nutrition every 4-5 hours on a daily basis. 

2    2. You Can Eat Everything in Moderation –

     This is another myth that needs to be busted right away! If you compare French fries to jacket roasted potatoes, the latter will win hands down, nutritionally speaking. So, the whole idea of eating everything in moderation needs to be done away with and instead, you need to adopt an eating plan that includes eating healthy. 

3      3. All You Need is Low Carb Diet –
    A lot of people blindly believe that a low carb diet is all they need to eliminate excess calories from the body. However, there is no such thing that happens when you are on a low carb and high protein diet. The rapid weight loss that happens for the followers of such diet is only due to the body draining up the glycogen stores for energy. After a week or two, the rapid weight loss stage comes to a standstill. 

4    4. Some Diets Make You Lose Cellulite –
    Cellulite is often hereditary, and it has no correlation with diets. They are just clumpy fat that are a result of uneven fat cells stored under the skin and look ugly. These can be eliminated with certain weight loss techniques that include massages. It has nothing to do with what you eat. 

5. Good Fats in the Diet Keeps You Satiated –
    Among all the food components, fat is the slowest one to pass the stomach/digestive system. Because they take time to be digested, they give an illusion of making you feel full for a longer duration. This myth is baseless and if you are looking forward to feeling full and satiated, you need to go for proteins. 

    Now that you know the myths behind the fad diets, it’s time to chalk out a plan that works best for your body. Need more weight loss tips from us? Keep watching this space!