The food athletes eat affects the way they compete in their preferred sports. It’s important to pay careful attention to their diet if they want to do your best. The types of food athletes can consume depend on scheduling and success objectives. For instance, the type of food you need to do your best before an event is not the same as what you need to eat to heal after an event.
Lose Weight offers comprehensive athlete meal plans in Dubai. For more information, we’ve listed a plan athletes should follow while creating their diet plan.
Pre-event Meals
Complex carbs take precedence when preparing pre-event menus, but stick to nutritious starchy foods. Starches break down more quickly than protein and fat, so prepare a pre-event meal with all that in mind. Instances of those meals involve tomato sauce as well as a cup of beans; banana oatmeal and two pieces of whole-grain bread; low-fat lasagna with green peas; whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk and 8 ounces of orange juice; or 4 ounces of salmon with 1 cup of brown rice and tiny sweet potatoes.
Post-event Meals
It’s helpful to eat a small lunch within 30 minutes of the action. Plan a meal with a combination of protein, starch and good fats to help you recover. Examples of post-event meals involve skinless chicken breast and broccoli with 1 cup of black beans or whole-wheat pasta along with extra lean ground beef. If you’re attending an event in the morning, have 1 cup of low-fat yoghurt with fresh fruit with two slices of whole-grain toast as your post-event breakfast.
Mid-day Snacks
Snacking is an essential source of athlete nutrients. Pick nutrient-dense snacks to keep the body fuelled all day. Peanut butter with banana plus whole-grain crackers makes a tasty, protein-rich snack. You will also get low-fat yoghurt with granola and a pinch of cashews. Dry cereal makes a perfect snack. Select non-sugar, whole-grain cereals. Tuna and whole-wheat crackers are a different snack choice. Try a low-fat cheese stick with your chosen fruit or cottage cheese along with mixed nuts.
Training Meals
Your workout schedule is what you frequently eat outside of pre-and post-event meals during the training season. Select nutrient-dense foods to prepare meals that are high in protein to boost muscle recovery and growth; foods must also be high in complex carbohydrates to give the energy required to power your workouts. Foods like whole-wheat noodles, beans and other legumes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal as well as other whole grains are the source of complex carbohydrates. Pick lean proteins like skinless chicken breast, extra-lean ground beef, tuna, egg whites, and other seafood. With every meal, strive to include vegetables.
Staying Hydrated
Proper hydration is a vital feature of athletic success. Remaining hydrated tends to replace sweat depletion of moisture and avoids dehydration, which may cause exhaustion and effect. Keep hydrated by drinking lots of water all day. Sports drinks can help restore missing electrolytes during vigorous exercise. Drink about 16 to 20 ounces of water or even a sports drink at least four hours before exercising and another 8 to 12 ounces of water 10 to 15 minutes before a workout, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends.
For more information about keto and diet meal plans, you should consider contacting the experts at Lose Weight today!