Wednesday, 8 August 2018

4 Unusual Uses Of Wet Wipes You Need To Know

Isn’t it fun to explore different ways of using the everyday items in our homes? Certainly. Wet wipes are one of such items, you can use for so many different things. Wet wipes are everyone’s best friends. Having said that, we cannot live without them. They can be used for much more than just wiping your baby’s bottoms, or cleaning sticky chocolate hands.
Here are some amazing uses of wet wipes you need to know of –

1       Makeup removing

Well, ladies, why spend some more money on beauty wipes? Everyone of us has wet wipes in our handbags. Now is the time to put them to smart use!
You can use wet wipes as eye and face makeup remover. They are gentle on the skin and also give away a fresh smell. Many wet wipes online have moisturizing content in them. Thus, it also helps in adding a little touch of moisture to your precious skin.

        House Cleaning

No time to go for a detailed cleaning before the guests arrive? Have no worries, when wet wipes are here to the rescue. Wet wipes can be used as dust cloths and cleaning rags to straighten up. They quickly absorb the liquid or the stains and are thus a perfect option to clean the ketchup or gravy spills from your upholstery.
They can also be used as a good way to get rid of the dust and debris that settles on your electronics, instruments, or glassware.
Pro tip: Baby wipes fit greatly on many flat dust mops and increase the efficiency of your cleaning.

3      Vehicle Cleaning

As you keep your house all cleaned and tidy, you also do need to take care of your baby – your car. Wet wipes are great for cleaning the dashboard, windows, and the steering wheel in your car. So, now you need not worry about keeping your baby in its best form.
Wet wipes help in cleaning the pigeon poop all over your windshield. You can gently clean your car windows and also the dashboard. Wet wipes being very delicate, will prevent causing any scratches or marks on your vehicle.

4      Freshening up your cupboards and drawers

How about indulging into some DIY scented sachets for your drawers? Wet wipes can be of help in this undertaking too. Surprised? Don’t be.
You can cut wet wipes into small pieces and add a few drops of your favourite essential oils or scents to it. Storing these cute little sachets in your wardrobe or drawers will keep your dresser fresh. It will also prevent the damp, woody smell and give away a pleasant smell.

Wet wipes are certainly some magical moist miracles to the rescue.


As mentioned earlier, our best friend – the wet wipes, will prove beneficial in different walks of life. Holding our hand through the journey, these simple tips will help you make optimum use of wet wipes.

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