Friday, 7 February 2020

How Contacting A Bullet Resistant Glass Supplier Can Protect Your Life

Bullet Resistant glass is the most effective transparent armour for any vehicle. This glass is extremely resistant and can withstand the damage done by small projectiles and bullets. We at Cemar International recommend you with the appropriate Ballistic Glass for any required ammunition threat.

The Workings of A Bullet Resistant Glass Explained 

To explain the creation of a bullet resistant glass simply, it is created with layers of polycarbonate, which are placed between pieces of toughened glass, which makes the final product different compared to ordinary glass. These layers are extremely thick, nearly up to eight times thicker than a single pane of ordinary glass.

When a bullet hits the glass, the energy of the enhanced glass spreads sideways through the layers. Then, the energy is divided between the different components of this glass, ensuring it can be quickly absorbed. This results in the bullet slowing down as it loses its energy trying to pierce through the glass.

Where Is Bullet Resistant Glass Commonly Used 

The transparent amour is generally used for security purposes, which is increasing worldwide. Due to the enhanced technology used to create such a hardened glass, it is typically used in high-risk areas like in the governmental services industry, financial services industry, automotive industry, construction industry and even the aerospace industry. Moreover, the main factors that determine when this type of glass is used are based on the end-users demand. Hence, other places where such strong glass is used in banks, cash trucks, residential buildings and even premium vehicles. Manufacturers like Cemar International are constantly researching and innovating new technologies to improve the quality of bullet resistant glasses.

Why Is The Demand For Bullet Resistant Glass Increasing 

In this day and age, with safety and security concerns globally, the demand for bullet resistant glasses has increased and will continue to accelerate within the next five to six years. This is primarily due to the increase in terrorist attacks and the governments of all countries wanted to minimize the risk and damage.

Additionally, the demand for bullet Resistant glasses also increased due to the growth and advancement of the automobile industry, the financial services market and the rise of GDP rates in developing countries.

That being said, to ensure you are well protected, you need to contact one of the reputed bullet resistant glass suppliers in Dubai, like Cemar International. We provide high-quality and tested products like bullet resistant glass and ballistic steel that are able to withstand the harshest of situations. Contact us for more information

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