Breast augmentation is among the most often done cosmetic surgery in the United States each year. Women normally seek this treatment to increase the size and appearance of their breasts. In this article we will go over all the stages of breast augmentation recovery that you should look out for.
How Long Does It Take To Fully Recover?
In total, complete recovery from breast augmentation will take up to 6 weeks on average. Since every person is unique, consult with your board-certified plastic surgeon for details.
Let us just break down the healing process into steps so you can properly plan.
Acute Recovery:
This time is normally directly after the process.
Your breast will be covered, and you will be taken to the treatment bed, where you will most likely be groggy and exhausted.
At this stage, your surgeon can decide to administer a local numbing pain block to alleviate any discomfort and minimize your reliance on narcotics. This usually lasts for 12 hours.
You would need someone to take you back and stay with you overnight because you've just awoken from anesthesia.
The Initial 3 To 5 Days
The first three days after surgery are the most painful.
For the first three days after the surgery, the physician will advise you about how much to take antibiotics, muscle relaxants, or pain relievers.
Strong narcotic drugs should ideally be stopped within the first few days because they induce constipation and repeated use may result in a longer recovery.
Although certain patients express pain, the majority report tightness or muscle aches at this time.
This will manifest itself in the breasts, elbows, stomach, and back. A muscle relaxant, like Valium, is the most effective treatment for these effects. This experience goes away in 3 to 5 days for the majority of women.
You will also be given guidance about how to care for your incision, as well as what bra or clothing to wear.
It is normal to feel bruising, swelling, and mild bleeding at the wound. Contact the doctor if anything doesn't feel good.
1 Week
At this stage, you should only be experiencing minor pain that can be treated with over-the-counter drugs.
Within this time period, you can be seen by the physician, and most women are expected to restore light everyday activities. Women with desk jobs are normally able to return to work and travel. Many doctors recommend taking a few short walks 1-2 times per day.
Next Few Weeks
Throughout this time, you will begin to feel more like yourself and will be able to return to your normal routine.
Since the wound heals at a rate of 10% per week, several doctors do not suggest restarting an exercise regimen, particularly upper extremity based exercises, for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery.
Furthermore, patients with physically demanding occupations may be required to wait 3-4 weeks following their surgery before returning.
If you operate in a physically stressful workplace, you would need to be out of work for at least three weeks. You must even refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous athletic exercises such as hiking.
2 Months
In about 2 months, the doctor can evaluate your recovery and give you the all-clear to resume regular activities.
It is essential to strictly stick to your doctor's treatment orders in order for your breast implants to recover correctly and without complications.
Tips for Recovery
There are measures you must take to anticipate risks and further your healing experience. Before the surgery, make sure to address any questions you have with your doctor.
Follow your doctor's guidance about prescription dose and length, wear your surgical robes as directed, and avoid practices that your doctor recommends. Solicit assistance from friends and relatives. Prepare nutritious meals ahead of time and get the rest you need to recover properly.
Besides all of this, one crucial thing to consider that you recover properly is choosing the right surgeon. So, if you’re looking for a good plastic surgeon in Texas, consider booking an appointment at Dr Koneru today.
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