Sunday, 13 June 2021

How to Sleep Peacefully After Breast Augmentation Surgery

 If you have recently undergone breast augmentation surgery, it is critical that you follow the necessary aftercare instructions to get a decent night's sleep.

Your sleep habits may be disrupted by discomfort, edema, compression, or shortness of breath throughout the healing process. This might make it tough to relax and recuperate to the best of your ability.

We suggest that you sleep sitting up at first since it will be more relaxing and relieve strain on your chest. You can slowly return to sleeping on your back as you recuperate.

Some of the greatest ways to sleep after breast augmentation are listed below.

Use The Recommended Clothes

Your doctor may equip you with compression clothes following your breast augmentation treatment. This may feel unpleasant against your new breasts, but it keeps the region from expanding and the implants in position.

Utilize this clothing while sleeping to protect the treated regions. Because you have little control over your movements when sleeping, it's critical to keep your compression clothes on so you don't inadvertently damage yourself anymore.

Sleep in A Reclined Position

As previously said, it is preferable to begin by sleeping in a chair rather than a bed. Authorities such as Plastic Surgery Source advise laying on your back with your upper chest slightly raised, at least for the first few days while your delicate regions heal.

Several unfavourable side effects are possible within the first week or two after healing. The accumulation of fluids in your stomach and upper torso is one of the more typical hazards. To avoid this accumulation, keep your chest elevated above the rest of your body when sleeping.

Laying on Your Back

After the first one to two weeks have passed, you may resume lying in bed. Nevertheless, we urge that you only lie on your back and avoid laying on your tummy or side. You are relieving any strain on your chest while reclining on your back. This makes breathing simpler and lowers the chance of problems.

Get Moving

Would you like to continue lowering your risk of problems while hastening your recovery? Throughout the day, get going and move about! Once you're up, consider doing small activities to keep yourself active throughout the day. Go on small walks, do a little light housework, or pay a visit to your favourite store if you're feeling up to it.

Do not immediately engage in any vigorous or serious physical exercise. You shouldn't be rushing down to the gym any time soon. While workouts and exercises must be prevented, there are several methods to stay active and keep your blood circulating.

The much more energetic you are, the higher your chances of avoiding blood clots and other potentially fatal conditions. Walking around during the day might also help you get wearier at night, opening the way for a good night's rest!

Dr Koneru, the best cosmetic surgeon in San Antonio, is available to address any problems or doubts you may have. 

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