Showing posts with label Italian mineral water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italian mineral water. Show all posts

Monday, 27 August 2018

4 Ways To Improve Your Workout Routine

Aren’t things working out the way you have planned them? Well, don’t get upset. By doing a workout you are doing a great job. Nonetheless, to achieve the most out of a workout is something that you need to aim at. Having said that, incorporating simple tips to boost your exercise regimen is a must.
Confused as to how to go forward with it? well, here is a rundown of 4 simple ways to improve your workout routine –

1     1. Always warm up -

Are you underestimating the importance of a warm-up before the workout? Well, then don’t do so.
It is a must to warm up and then gradually proceed towards your hardcore exercise regimen. This helps ensure that your muscles are prepared for the workout and helps avoid any injuries. The warm-up is also a good opportunity for an individual to prepare themselves mentally for the workout session ahead. Along with this, it is also a must that you perform some cool down exercises before you end your workout!

2    2. Stay hydrated -

Finding it difficult to maintain the same energy levels throughout the workout time? Then drinking enough amount of water is your answer to avoid becoming lethargic and instead enjoy the workout session.

During a workout session, you are bound to sweat and thus lose a lot of salts from the body. Having said that, your body needs sufficient amounts of electrolytes to help retain the energy. Hence, it is a good practice to keep drinking water every 10-15 minutes during the workout. Mineral water companies in Dubai and elsewhere suggest that you stick only to drinking natural mineral water and not opt for juices or shakes during the workout.

3    3. Play music -

Lost the motivation to exercise? Well, then turn up the music and jazz up your workout routine in no time!

It is a proven fact that music helps you to push yourself and work hard to achieve your goals. Additionally, listening to music is a good kind of distraction and takes off your mind from the pain or stress of a heavy workout. Thus, turn up the volume and enhance your workout experience and get the optimum results.

4    4. Try new things -

Bored with your same old workout routine? Well, then how about mixing it up with some different exercises and adding a little fun to it while you achieve fitness?
It is always a good idea to ditch your boring workout routine and try some new things to amp up the exercise sessions. Notably, you can try different activities like Zumba, swimming, strength training, and switch between these from time to time. This ensures that you don’t get bored and instead start finding your workout interesting!

All in all, to achieve the most from your workouts, you need to follow these simple yet mindful tips, and you are good to go!


Don’t let your efforts go for a toss. If you are working out, make sure that it is the best workout. By adding simple ways, you can pave your way to a pinnacle of fitness. 

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

3 Important Reasons To Drink Mineral Water During Pregnancy

Are you soon going to welcome a bundle of joy in your life? Well, then toast to it by raising a glass of mineral water instead of a glass of champagne. Well, drinking safe and pure water during pregnancy is twice as important to the health of you and your little one. Having said that, it is crucial for pregnant women to drink enough amounts of natural mineral water.
Here is a rundown of important reasons to drink mineral water during pregnancy –

1     1. Avoid dehydration-

As a pregnant woman you need more water than an average person, right? Thus, drinking mineral water during pregnancy helps keep away dehydration and the symptoms that follow with it.
Water plays a healthy role in the development of your child as it helps form the placenta. Additionally, hydration also reduces the cramps, inflammation, dizziness, and morning sickness, that happens during the pregnancy. It is a good practice to always carry a mineral water bottle with you to ensure that you are drinking enough amount of water. The brands of online natural mineral water in Dubai and elsewhere also help in increasing the calcium and iron levels in the bodies of pregnant women.

2    2.  Avoid overheating-

The increasing body temperature must be messing around with you, right? Well, it is a taken that the core body temperature of the expectant mothers is always on the rise. Have no worries, as mineral water has got you covered!
Drinking water will keep the body cool and help avoid the adverse effects of overheating. Overheating is not good for the fetus and can lead to stressful issues. Nonetheless, drinking sufficient amount of water will do you good and help you relax. Avoid the dangers of overheating and sip your way to good health!

3     3. Avoid urinary tract infection-

 You don’t want your pampering time to go for a toss because of a stressful UTI, do you? Since urinary tract infections are very common during pregnancy, drinking mineral water will help you keep them at bay!
Due to the drastic changes in the urinary tract, pregnant women are more prone to UTI, which eventually can lead to inflammation and problems during childbirth. But, the good news is that drinking at least 5-7 liters of water daily will help you prevent this. Drinking more water increases the rate of flushing of bacteria from the bladder and the reduces the concentration of bacteria in the private areas. All things considered, it reduces the risk of an infection and keeps you safeguarded!

Along with this, drinking mineral water also ensures that the essentials nutrients for you and your baby are provided for a faster and better development. Getting enough fluids will help keep things moving along and you will have a happy pregnancy!


As simple and merry as it seems like, pregnancy comes with a lot of complications and discomforts. However, mineral water has got all your worries covered and offers you a restful and satisfactory pregnancy experience! 

Friday, 16 March 2018

Why Should You Drink Sparkling Mineral Water?

What is Sparkling Water?

Sparkling water is a term given to carbonated water which contains carbon dioxide gas under pressure. When water is treated with carbonation process, it becomes effervescent. In comparison to plain and still water, the sparkling one leverages more advantages because of its mineral content. It is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, and it leverages numerous benefits to human health and skin upon regular consumption.

The following section mentions the advantages of sparkling water:

·         Hydration- It is the key to optimal health and water is the best source to keep the body hydrated because it is calorie and sugar-free. A hydrated body stays in good health as it is cool, keeps the body parts moist, maintains healthy skin, cleanses toxins out of the body, promotes good cardiovascular health and keeps joints and muscles in optimal performance. Sparkling water differs in taste and hence your taste buds appeal you to drink more of it. This way it keeps you in best of your health.

·         Rich Source of Calcium- Carbonated water contains around 348 milligrams of calcium per liter which conforms to 44 percent of the daily value for calcium based on a diet of 200 calories. Calcium is one of the essential nutrients of a human body as it helps in proper functioning of the heart, cell signal transmission, hormone secretion and much more. Paired with a balanced diet carbonated water can help you to maintain adequate calcium levels in your body.

·         Contains Magnesium- Proper functioning of biological functions like protein synthesis, regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure, nerve and muscle function require strong support of nutrients like magnesium. According to a study published in ‘The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition' many people do not receive adequate amounts of magnesium through their diet and drinking mineral water can help in attaining sufficient quantities of magnesium. Experts suggest that sparkling water contains around 108 milligrams of magnesium per liter and it conforms to 29 percent of the daily value.

·         Reduces Cardiac Diseases- Sparkling water metabolizes fat levels from the human body by hampering the production of bad cholesterol. It helps the body's processes to reopen the blocked capillaries and reduces the risk of cardiac diseases.

If you need a reliable sparkling mineral water brand which can help you balance mineral levels in your body, then nothing can be better than Monviso water. It is Italian natural mineral water with several health benefits and rich taste.