Showing posts with label Job Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Job Help. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

4 Tips To Make a Great First Impression at an Interview

Before you deliver those thought-out and rehearsed answers at an interview, your interviewer might have already judged you on other parameters. Yes, you are reading it right! When preparing for an interview, it is not only important to focus on the answers to the questions they will be throwing at you.
Nailing at an interview takes much more than answering all the questions right. You need to follow the unsaid protocol and surf your way through the interviewer’s mind and heart! Want to know the secret to make a great first impression at an interview? Well, here are the simple tips that will help you make a great first impression –

1.       Dress rightly
Appearance matters! Yes, interviewers can make a snap judgment on the way you are presenting yourself in the interview process.
Having said that, you need to dress appropriately for the job interview. Dressing well for the part plays a pivotal role in how you are first perceived. Dress formally, wear some decent makeup, wear the perfect footwear, and you are good to go!

2.       Get your teeth right
Well, don’t be surprised about this tip! Since you will be talking, presenting yourself, and smiling a lot at the interview, you don’t want some bad teeth to show up and ruin your appearance.
In the light of getting your teeth right, make sure to visit your dentist before your interview. You can always opt for simple yet effective treatments like teeth whitening, Hollywood smile in Dubai and elsewhere, and so on! Additionally, make sure that you have a fresh breath before the interview, and smile confidently to nail it.

3.       Show up on time
You don’t want your screening process to go for a toss because of arriving late, do you? Well, the key to making a good impression is to arrive early before the interview.
Being punctual is given when attending a job interview. Make sure that you are leaving your house on time and making it a point to arrive at least 20-30 minutes before the interview. This will portray you as someone who is disciplined and dedicated towards the job!

4.       Put your phone away
How would you like it if someone’s phone buzzes if you are talking to them? Running on the same lines, you need to put your phone away during an interview.
Take a moment to ensure that all electronic devices are turned off and tucked away in a bag or pocket to avoid interruptions and the possible loss of an opportunity. Along with this, avoid using the phone while waiting in the lobby. Instead, it is a good practice to go through your resume or research about the company before the interview.

Following these tips, will keep you ahead of time and thus help in alleviating your confidence during the interview process.

These simple tips will prove your worth for the interview and make a good first impression. Present yourself in the right light and pave your way for rocking that interview of your ‘dream job’.