Showing posts with label Natural drinking water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural drinking water. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 August 2018

What Are the Key Differences Between Spring Water Vs Mineral Water?

There are many types of bottled water that are available on the market. These include mineral water and spring water. But do you know what are the exact differences between them? How will you take the call after reading the labels on the bottle? Let us take a look at the following pointers to know more:

All the Facts about Spring Water –

  • Spring water’s origin lies in natural aquifers. These are located in the soil and around the rock beds. These are collected in the underground surfaces and have no natural tributaries.
  • Spring water contains a large number of trace minerals.
  • There are certain municipalities, which use spring water as their tap water source.
  • Spring water can also be processed with chemicals and the latest filtration systems, packed and then sold. While this is considered to be one of the best water types because of the advantages offered, it is not that expensive.
  • Some countries mandate spring water to meet their hygiene standards and need to be deliberately treated further so that it meets the pollution regulations.
 All the Facts about Mineral Water –

  • Mineral water is often sourced from a natural well or from a spring, which keeps it protected from pollution. This underground source needs to be named on the bottle of packaging.
  • It should contain no less than 250 parts per million minerals. That is the recommended amount. If it is below this amount, then it may not be fit for being labeled as one.
  • Most of the minerals such as calcium and magnesium are good for people’s health and are present inconsistent quantity.
  • The requirements for this type of bottled water are very strict and therefore, the sources from where such water can be collected from becomes restricted. For instance, even the flow of the water needs to be consistent, pumped at a certain pressure to maintain the purity.
  • Mineral water outside the country where the source originates is generally more expensive.
  • Due to the minerals present, the water may taste harsher as compared to other types of water available. This is why many firms sell bottled mineral water in different flavors.

Conclusion –

These are some of the key distinguishing pointers between spring water and mineral water. While there are several variants of natural drinking water in Dubai, you need to take your pick from the one that offers a good balance of health and taste. Moreover, if you have a baby or an infant at home, make sure that the water is fit for consumption for them as well. 

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Guide To The Safest Sparkling Mineral Water Brand Online

    There is a shift in demand from the tap water to bottled water, with more people preferring sparkling mineral water brands. Sparkling mineral water contains natural gases and is a healthier alternative to tap water, sodas or mineral water too. We identify with your health-conscious attitude and realize that some brands may pose a danger to our health and nourishment. Sparkling mineral water brands online are no exception to this.

We present you a brief guide about how to choose a safe and healthy sparkling water brand online.

Purest Form

    When opting for sparkling mineral water brand, check whether it comes from a natural source or not. Depending on the source, the type and amount of minerals vary. Hence one should be very careful while choosing a brand as it determines the nourishment provided to the body. Every drop that constitutes of the packaged water should be pure and rich in minerals like Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium.
    The water should be filtered through many layers of sandstone and limestone making it mineral rich in a better way. The water should be enriching your health and safekeeping you and your family.


    The taste of water will depend on which brand you are referring to, depending on the mineral constituents in the water, the process of purification and packaging and so on. Taste is completely a personal choice, however, you certainly want to enjoy the taste of the water you are drinking. Choose a brand that offers chemical-free packaging, to keep the taste intact.

    You should be smart about choosing the packaging as it might drastically affect the taste and mineral quantity of the water. The brand should pay close attention to the minute detailing of the bottling of the water so as to nurture the taste and health.

Health Benefits

    As the name contains, “mineral” water is good for a reason. It is a rich source of various minerals, one of them being Calcium. Calcium helps in bone strengthening, you need for your optimal health. Mineral water can also provide a valuable source of Magnesium, which helps in many biological functions. It helps in the synthesis of protein and the regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure. Hence it helps in maintaining a healthy pH of the blood and reduces problems like acidity and constipation.

    Healthy sparkling mineral water also aims at a clean and clear skin. It contains skin-friendly silica particles, making your skin feel fresh and sparkly once you consume it regularly.

    Sparkling mineral water nourishes our bodies and provides us with essential elements for our system to function. Be a smart customer, and choose a brand enriched with minerals, to keep you healthy and hydrated. Choose wisely, drink safe, and stay healthy.