Showing posts with label VLCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VLCC. Show all posts

Friday, 14 September 2018

4 toxic ingredients to avoid in skin care products

The skin care industry is huge with a large number of products that are used for treating various skin care issues ranging from acne to pigmentation. But then, some of them also contain harmful ingredients that can harm your health and even cause premature ageing. This includes makeup, cleansers, facial moisturizers and cleansers, that will offer you short-term benefits but will end up doing more harm to your face than you know.
Having said that, here are some of the leading toxic ingredients that you need to avoid in your skin care products:
  • Parabens – Parabens are used to increase the shelf-life of products. These preservatives help ensure that the products are long-lasting but are harmful for your skin. They are in your shampoos, masks, body wash and face wash and almost everywhere. Known to mimic estrogen, these ingredients can wreak havoc on your hormonal functions. Moreover, they can cause fertility issues and breast cancer.
  • Phthalates – Phthalates is a group of chemicals that can incredibly soften and increase the flexibility of the plastics in cosmetics. This helps various products stick to the skin. However, these can be immensely harmful for your children and may also lead to birth defects. There are certain phthalates that are banned from children’s products as well. Hence, you need to keep your eyes on this ingredient as well.
  • BHA/BHT – BHA and BHT are both synthetic antioxidants, which can help extend the products’ shelf lives. These are also carcinogenic and cause hormone disruption, leading to liver damage. Because of this, other organs may also start malfunctioning, leading to a number of issues for your body. Watch out for these in lipsticks, diapers and other cosmetics.
  • Vitamin A or Retinol – Retinol is an amazing ingredient is what is often thought. However, it also has its negative effects as well. For instance, it may end up damaging your DNA and also speed up the growth of the skin tumors when you apply certain products directly on your skin. When you are pregnant, it can especially take a toll on your health. Hence, you need to avoid it at any cost in cosmetics such as moisturizers and anti-aging skin creams.
Calling It a Day
These are some of the main ingredients that you need to be aware of when it comes to buying skin care products. Now that you know them, do read the labels well before jumping in joy for every product out there!! Or just opt for places that offer dedicated skin care in Kenya!

6 Things Teenage Girls are Sick of Hearing About Acne

Being a teenager and having breakouts go hand-in-hand. The struggle is real because no matter what you do, the pimple, zit or acne simply refuses to budge. That being said, here are a few things that every teenage girl is sick of hearing about them!
  1. Topical Treatments If there are 10 people, there will be 10 different topical treatments such as zit creams or face wash and scrub that miraculously worked for them. What they do not know is that every skin type and everyone’s system is different. This is the reason why opting for an extensive and regulated acne treatment in Kenya is the way to go.
  2. It is Not Noticeable ­– Another common thing that people say about acne or zits is that it is barely noticeable. What they fail to understand that it only makes the matter more serious by reminding them of the breakout. Hey, if you have seen it, so will the others!
  3. Sympathy Galore – There are a lot of individuals who notice a girl’s pimple and go “Oh, I have had many of them too.” Some of them even go on and start ranting about how they dealt with their severe acne issues many moons ago. While they are trying to be sympathetic here, what really happens is that it hurts the sentiments and ruins everything eventually!
  4. Just Apply Toothpaste and Other Remedies – Toothpaste for acne doesn’t work. It also holds true for other home remedies such as applying herbal concoctions. They may give you temporary relief for sure, but in the long run, you will definitely need something more concrete like a focused treatment for the breakouts.
  5. Make Horror Face and Point Out – It can’t get any worse than someone pointing at your pimple and making horror face as if all hell has broken loose! This not only makes it awkward for the person with the breakout, but also shatters their self-confidence on many levels. There is absolutely no need for this pinpointing for all you know!
  6. Stop Eating Chocolates ­­– There is nothing to do with certain food and acne. Hence, it makes no sense in telling girls what to eat and what not to eat when they are breaking out.
These are some of the common things that all the teenage girls are tired of hearing when they have pimples and acnes. Need to know more about skin issues? Keep watching this space.

Botox Essentials - What You Need to Know

Are you thinking about getting the miraculous skin treatment called Botox? The injection, also known as Botulinum Toxin, helps eliminate wrinkles and is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures that men and women opt for. If you too want to get it done, here are some of the essentials that you need to know. Take a look at the following pointers to get a better perspective:

1.       Know the Sources – As important as it is to get the injectable, you also need to know the source or the vendor from whom you are getting it done. For instance, there are many centers for botox treatment in Kenya, but you need to ensure that you select only the one that has been doing this for a long time, with proven-results. Moreover, they will have licensed and expert practitioners, who will be able to administer it properly without any glitches. This will help you reduce any risk that is associated with botox.
2.       Compare the Deals – Botox or filler treatments are available at varying costs. Some private practitioners may charge you a bomb but will not offer you the best results. This is where you can do with comparing the costs of botox treatments at various skin clinics and then take the final call.
3.       Consultation is a Must – Botox is more than any ordinary injection and therefore, you need to ensure that a pre-consultation is a must. Talk to the expert for all the before and after care that you need in order to ensure a successful procedure. This will help you get a befitting treatment that makes you look amazing instead of expressionless or as they say, with a frozen face. There is something called the Botox Buzz, which is quite common. It is the temporary sensation of dizziness or headache, but gets over quickly within 10-15 minutes.
4.       You Can Do It For Other Purposes Too – Apart from getting rid of fine lines from your face, you can also opt for Botox for treating migraines and excessive sweating. The only catch here is that you need to opt for an FDA-approved injectable that is targeted at these specific ailments.
 These are some of the essentials to know about Botox. If you too are ready to opt for the treatment, don’t delay it further as there are multiple sessions that are needed to get the desired results. Leave us your comments on this topic below!