Showing posts with label acne scar treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acne scar treatment. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Do's and Don'ts of Caring for Acne Prone Skin

Dealing with acne is a tough call. There are numerous over-the-counter products that promise to work magic on them. But in reality, no matter what you do, the plan tends to backfire, leading to more breakouts. In such situations, you are left with no choice but to opt for specialized skin treatment in Oman and elsewhere.  

On that note, what exactly are the measures that you need to take in order to keep your breakouts in check, especially when you have an acne prone skin? Here are some of the pointers that you can take into consideration: 

1.       Don’t Wash It Too Much - The first rule of the thumb is to skip washing your face way too often, especially with a face wash. What you need to do instead is a switch to a dermatologically-approved, mild facewash and use it to cleanse the surface of your face but no more than twice a day. This is because cleansing your face will not make the acne worse, but also lead to extreme dryness and inflammation. Therefore, you will be left with itchy and sore skin.  

2.       Do Check the Products  Whenever you are all set to purchase the products for skin care, make it a point to check the ingredients present. Ideally, seek products that contain hydroxy acids such as lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids. These help you control acne and breakout to a major extent. Similarly, if you are opting for a treatment such as chemical peels, they should also include these ingredients or the properties to be effective.  

3.       Do Skip Exfoliants – Just like too much cleansing, too much scrubbing can also prove to be detrimental to your health. This is because it can irritate your inflamed skin further and lead to tearing. A gentle exfoliant can still be used, but make sure that it is devoid of the rough particles that are bad for your skin.  

4.       Don’t Touch the Face – It might be tempting for some of you, but do no pick, touch, pop or squeeze any of the acne/breakouts on your skin. This can lead to temporary or permanent scarring.  

5.       Do Regularly Visit A Clinic – Have a skin clinic that offers acne treatments? Visit the clinic on a regular basis so that your skin issues are under control to a large extent. If the skin specialist asks you to apply some topical medications, do that without fail. 

These are some of the basic do’s and don’ts of dealing with breakouts when you have an acne prone skin. For more such tips, keep a tab on this space! 

Thursday, 16 August 2018

How Can Chemical Peels Treat Hyper-pigmentation?

Do you have skin troubles in terms of dark spots, heavy pigmentation and melasma? Has the sun taken a toll on your skin, leaving a tan that refuses to go no matter what? This is where chemical skin peels are a savior and helps you maintain an even skin tone. They surely help defeat the other, less effective measures of skin care in UAE.

What are chemical peels and how can they help your skin?

It’s a known fact that our body sheds dead skin cells as a natural process and give way to new cells. This regeneration process of the cell slows down and runs into trouble as we age. This leads to complexion issues such as hyperpigmentation.

Chemical peels, as the name suggests, help the body “peel” away those unwanted skin and speeds up the regeneration process. The peel basically breaks the bond between the old and the unwanted cells and page the way for new cell growth. Because different chemical peels serve different purposes, here are some of the specific peels that target hyperpigmentation.

1. Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid peels are a part of the fruit acid family which is derived from sugar cane. These contain alpha-hydroxy acid and are considered to be one of the mildest and popular skin peels. These can be used to treat the hyperpigmentation on the surface layers of the skin. The main benefit of the peel is that there’s no downtime post the treatment. You can also use the skin treatment in UAE for wrinkles and acne. Hence, when you opt for the peel, your skin will appear young with no signs of pigmentation. Remember, the peel is a basic one and the side effects will be few and far between.

2. Salicylic Acid  

Salicylic Acid peels are also known as beta peels because these contain beta-hydroxy acid. These are helpful in exfoliating the top layers of the skin. However, these peels also include antibacterial properties, which can clean and renew the pores on the face. If you have sensitive and damaged skin, clogged pores, oily skin that is prone to seborrheic dermatitis and acne, this is the perfect peel for you. You can also use the peel to improve the texture of the skin and to get an even complexion.

3. Trichloroacetic – TCA

TCA or Trichloroacetic peels are mainly used to take care of skin imperfections such as warts. These are stronger and can penetrate deeper into the skin as compared to other peels. Hence, if you have hyperpigmentation that’s deep within the skin, this is the peel that you should look forward to. It can be applied to the face, the neck, hands and legs. Even when it comes to treating isolated areas of the skin, you can opt for this treatment. 

Get Spot Reduction In 5 Amazing Ways

Have hyperpigmentation, spots, melasma or other skin issues that have led to an uneven skin tone? Well, you are not the only ones. And you are not going to be stuck with them for all your life either! So, what are some of the ways in which you can get spot reduction? Here are some tips that will help you out.

1. Don’t Touch The Zit (Or Your Face) – Your hands and nails have many bacteria, which even you are possibly not aware of. Hence, as hard as it is to resist touching that outbreak on your skin, make it a point to not touch it or else it will leave permanent scars on your face. What you can do instead is opt for a topical cream recommended by your skin specialist or dermatologist and apply it as directed by them. This will reduce the zits and keep your skin clear.

2. Use a Skin Cleansing Brush – 
Skin cleansing brushes are amazing for deep cleansing your skin. They will help you eliminate all the dead skin cells, which are there on the skin by gently exfoliating it. Moreover, it also removes the top layer of the skin in a way, which also includes the unsightly spots and other marks. All you need to remember is to keep this brush clean and replacing as and when needed.

3. Focus on the Night Care –
You may be taking sufficient care of your skin during the day. But does it also hold true for the night as well? Make sure that you have a complete nighttime regimen as it is the time when the skin will heal or repair itself. For instance, if you are opting for a treatment for skin whitening in Oman, you may be asked to use a special formula to be used right before your bedtime. This will surely keep those spots away.

4. Use a Sunscreen Without Fail –
Sun exposure is one of the major reason why you may be forming permanent spots on your skin, apart from tanning. Hence, do carry your sunscreen with SPF 30 or more wherever you go. If you have oily skin, then opt for a sunscreen that is water based. Similarly, go for a hydrating sunscreen if you have a dry skin.

5. Eat Well –
While this has nothing directly to do with spot correction when you eat a balanced and nutritious diet, you can be assured that the skin will be soft, supple and retain the hydration levels. This will prevent future breakouts from occurring. 

 These are some of the ways you can eradicate spots from your skin and prevent new ones from occurring. Have some more tips that can be added to the list? Let us know in the comments.