Showing posts with label avoid crane accidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label avoid crane accidents. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 August 2018


Aren’t cranes and lifting equipment a critical part of your industrial projects? Well, then don’t understate the danger involved in improper crane operation. In the light of it, crane accidents have caused heavy injuries and fatalities in the recent years. But, these accidents are preventable.
Having said that, before you opt for a lifting equipment rental in Dubai and elsewhere, make sure that you are aware of the strategies to avoid crane accidents. This will ensure that you will pick a credible equipment rental and reduce the likelihood of injuries.
Here is a list of 4 important tips to help avoid crane accidents –

1    1. Check for the good condition of the crane

In the light of safety of the people as well as the equipment, it is a must to make sure that your rented lifting equipment is in a tip-top condition. Be sure that the crane is inspected regularly by a profession to identify cracks, wiring problems, worn and damaged parts.
Make sure that the necessary repairs and modification are made by an expert. Along with this, it will also be required to clean and oiled well. This will ensure that the crane is a proper working condition and not being pushed beyond its limits.

2. Evaluate the land or the construction site

Always complete a hazard assessment on the field level and know your ground conditions before you start working with the cranes or the equipment. To give an illustration, identify the type of soil and make sure that there is enough room to operate.
Additionally, evaluate the powerlines and the placing of the underground pipelines. This will ensure that the surface is made strong and stable for the equipment rental to operate on.

3    3. Designate an employee to oversee the working

A crane may appear as a simple device, but its operation involves good communication and complex physics. Having said that, a competent employee in charge of the operations and administration on the site is a ‘must-have’.  Make sure to hire a trained, experienced, and professional crane administrator and operator.
Let not human error be the cause of any accidents or failures. Thus, be sure to foster a strong communication to facilitate faster working and better results.

4    4. Set up a safety plan

It is always better to be prepared in advance for the unforeseen contingencies. Having said that, it is essential to make a safety plan beforehand to ensure that immediate action is taken upon any accident or failure. It is a good practice to communicate the hazards and the methods of prevention to all the people on-site.
Make sure that the workers working in the field are fully aware of the heavy equipment workings and are focused on the job at hand. This will be an important step in planning for the safety of the people on the field.

These basic steps will allow the safe operations of the cranes.


Everyone involved with the operation of lifting equipment must be aware of the safety measures. This will ensure optimum results and prevent any injuries.