Showing posts with label fruit infuse water recipes.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit infuse water recipes.. Show all posts

Friday, 17 August 2018


You must be totally aware of the benefits of bottled mineral water, right? Well, it is understood that drinking enough amounts of water daily might be a tedious and boring task. Have no worries and jazz up your water drinking regimen.  
Mineral water is a perfect base for healthy and tasty drink recipes. To give an illustration, fruit-infused waters are a great alternative to plain water. These recipes use micronutrient-rich herbs, fruits, and vegetables to create thirst-quenching flavors with added benefits! 
Although, why would someone choose fruit infused water? Here are some quick benefits of fruit infused water recipes –  
·        Help in increasing the water intake 
·        Helps in energizing and refreshing 
·        Curbs hunger pangs and helps in maintaining weight 
·        Health benefits as no artificial sweeteners or food dyes are added.   

All things considered, you must be already prepared to try out some amazing recipes. So, here is a rundown of 4 simple fruit-infused mineral water recipes –  

1.      Watermelon Basil 
Watermelon and basil go together just like fires and ketchup. Pair them in salads, salsa, and yeah even in water! 
The companies of bottled mineral water brands in UAE and elsewhere suggest filling your bottle with watermelon cubes and adding 10-15 muddles basil leaves. This zesty recipe, loaded with Vitamins A and C, creates an energizing rush.  
Pro tip: add some spicy jalapenos to jazz up the taste.  

2.      Apples and Cinnamon 
Who says you need to wait for the leaves to start falling to devour on apples? Well, this fruit-infused recipe has got you covered.  
You can enjoy the classic fall season by slicing some apples and adding a cinnamon stick or two to your mineral water bottle. You can also add some plums, peaches, or pears, for an enhanced fruity blend. The drink is rich in health benefits as it helps in improving insulin sensitivity and the risk of Alzheimer’s.  

3.      Strawberry Lemon 
Is this one your favorite flavor of iced tea, mocktail, or a martini? Well, time to blend the favorite flavor with some plain mineral water.  
Adding 10-15 freshly cut strawberries and a slice or two of lemon in the water will do you good. Make sure to stir and refrigerate the mixture for an amazing taste. The drink provides generous quantities of vitamin C and helps in fighting cancer and keeping wrinkles at bay. 

4.      Ginger Peach 
Aiming to spice up your mundane routine of drinking water? Well, how about a hot-sweet medley of ginger and peach? 
All you need to do is combine freshly cut peach slices and some julienned ginger in your bottle and shake it well. As against peaches, you can also use a cup of your favorite berries. The all-natural drink helps aid in digestion and offers a better metabolism. 

Let not these fruit-infused drinks be an option only for the Summer season. Quench your thirst and taste buds by trying out these simple yet trendy recipes! 


All things considered, it is a good practice to drink fruit infused natural mineral water, to get additional benefits. So, what are you waiting for? Sip your way to health!