Showing posts with label hair fall control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair fall control. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 September 2018

٤ طرق ذكية لفك تشابُك الشعر

لقد إنتهى فصل الصيف والآن نحن في فصل الخريف. قد يؤدي تغيُر الطقس إلى تغيُر في حالة شعرك أيضاً. يُمكنك مُلاحظة الملمس الجاف والهش الذي لا يترك لك أي خيار سوى علاج السيطرة على تساقُط الشعر في أقرب عيادة! واحد من أفضل الخيارات التي يُمكن أن تُساعد شعرك على البقاء بمظهر لامع وحريري وأملس هو الحفاظ عليه بدون تشابُك طوال الوقت. فيما يلي بعض الطُرق الرائعة للحفاظ على شعرك بدون تشابُك: 

 ١إستخدام مشط خشبي واسع الأسنان - 
قد تكوني على دراية بالمشط ذو الأسنان الواسعة والذي يُستخدم لفك تشابُك الشعر. لماذا لا تتقدمين خطوة إلى الأمام وتختارين مشط أسنان خشبي واسع؟ والذي يُناسب بشكل رائع جميع أنواع الشعر وخاصة المُتعرج الذي يتشابك بسهولة. يقوم المشط بتفكيك شعرك بلُطف عن طريق تمشيطه بشكل خفيف وبالتالي تجنُب تَقصُف الشعر من فروة الرأس أثناء الحركة. إن إستخدام مثل هذه الأمشاط على شعرك الرطِب آمن كذلك. عليكِ فقط تمريره ببطء لتجنُب التَقصُف. 

٢إستخدام سيرم أو بخاخ لفك تشابُك الشعر - 
البخاخات والسيرم المُخصصة لفك تشابُك الشعر هي مُنتجات ممتازة تُساعدك على التعامل مع شعرك بسهولة. فهي مثالية لأولئك الذين غالباً ما يذهبون إلى السباحة أو يستيقظون صباحاً ليجدوا أن شعرهم غير مُرتب. فهي تعمل على فك تشابُك الشعر من الأسفل وتتركه أقل عُرضة للتَقصُف. هُناك العديد من هذه المُنتجات مُتاحة في السوق ويُمكنك إستخدامها على الشعر الرطب أو حتى الجاف. تأكدي من إختيار مُنتج خالِ من المواد الكيميائية للحصول على أفضل النتائج. 

٣إستخدام قميص لتجفيف الشعر - 
قومي بالتخلي عن المِنشفة وإستبدالها بقميص أثناء تجفيف شعرك لكي تري الفرق. فهذه الحيلة لن تُساعدك فقط على التخلُص من تجعُد الشعر ولكن أيضاً سوف تعمل على فك تشابُكه بسهولة. وعليك أيضاً عند تجفيف شعرك بالقميص أن تقومي بالضغط عليه برفق بدلاً من الضغط بقوة. 

٤إختيار غطاء حريري للوسادة - 
هل تريدين ألا يتساقط شعرك فوق الوسادة؟ قومي بإختيار غطاء وسادة حريري لمنع تساقُط شعرك أثناء النوم. فهو يعمل أيضاً على منع التشابُك بشكل مُفرط لأنه يُقلل من الإحتكاك. 

هذه بعض الطرق الأكثر شيوعًا لفك تشابُك الشعر وتجنُب الأيام التي من المُحتمل أن تكون حالة شعرك فيها سيئة. هل ترغبين في المزيد من هذه النصائح؟ إحتفظي بعلامة تبويب على هذه المساحة! 

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Detangling Hair in 4 Smart Ways

Summer has gone past and it is Fall season already. The change in the weather can lead to a change in your hair as well. Think of dry and brittle texture that leaves you with no option but to opt for hair fall control in a clinic nearby! One of the best ways that can help your hair smooth, silky and shiny is to keep it detangled all the time. Here are some of the most amazing ways to detangle your hair: 

1. Use a Wooden Wide-Teeth Comb  You may be aware of wide-teeth comb, which is used to detangle hair. Why not go a step ahead and opt for a wooden wide teeth comb, which works amazing on all types of hair, especially your curly locks. The comb will gently detangle your hair by gliding through it lightly and therefore, avoid ripping the hair from the scalp in a go. It is safe to use such combs on your wet hair as well. Just use it with light strokes to avoid any sort of breakage.  

2. Detangling Serum or Spray – Detangling serums and sprays are excellent products that help you handle your hair easily. They are perfect for those who often go for a swim or wake up with cowlicks. These products help release all the knots from the bottom of your hair and leave you less prone to hair breakage. There are many such products available over-the-counter and you can use them on wet or even dry hair. Make sure that you opt for a chemical-free one for best results.
3. Use T-Shirt to Dry – Ditch the towel and dry your hair with a t-shirt to see the difference. It not only helps you avoid frizz, but also leaves your hair loose and detangled easily. Also, when you dry your hair using the t-shirt, make sure that you gently pat dry it instead of squeezing it extra hard.  

4. Opt for Satin Pillowcases – Want hair that doesn’t give you a bad case of bedhead? Go for satin pillowcases and bedsheets to prevent your hair from breaking while you sleep. It also prevents your hair from getting tangled way too much or getting rough as it reduces the friction. 

Wrap Up 
These are some of the most common ways to detangle your hair and avoid potential bad hair days. Want more tips like this? Keep a tab on this space!  

Menopause and Hair Loss - What's the Connection?

    Women lose their hair for different reasons compared to men, who have male patterned baldness. For the womenfolk, losing hair can be temporary (as a result of childbirth) or hormonal issues such as menopause. During this phase of their life, they may suffer from occasional mood swings, hot flashes and also, losing more hair/suffer from hair thinning than they do normally. While the hair loss is not as drastic as in the men, they still need to opt for hair fall control at the right time to stop it from progressing.

How to spot hair thinning?

     First and foremost, you need to spot if your hair is thinning or not. It may start thinning over a wide area of your scalp, leading to your scalp showing up. The parting of the hair also starts becoming wider as time progresses. You may also notice that your ponytail has started becoming thinner and notice hair shedding excessively during brushing or having a shower.

What happens to the hair during menopause?

    Before, during and after menopause, hair loss is mainly due to the hormonal changes that take place in your body. The male hormone levels increase and therefore, certain hair follicles start falling. However, when you opt for hormone replacement, it alone cannot solve your issues. They only make matters worse.

    Apart from the hormones, the contributing factors for menopausal hair loss also include how predisposed you are to hair loss due to your genetics, the levels of stress and even other disorders such as thyroid. Even crash diets can lead to excessive hair fall during menopause as well as certain medications or an incident that leads you to experience shock.

The Remedy

    Preventing hair loss during menopause by detecting it early on is one of the most effective remedies and then, going for a suitable treatment. And even when you do go for that, make sure that you select a clinic that offers you the best options and makes the therapy work for you. Just remember that hair loss is a treatable condition and you need to take a quick decision in order to stop it in its tracks!

The Wrap

    These are some of the facts about menopause and hair loss, and how you need to tackle them. To get more insights about such topics, keep watching this space as we will be back with more informative write-ups. Cheers!