Friday, 17 August 2018


                        Are you aspiring to build a new life in a foreign country in the hope of a high quality of life? It is understood that you are striving hard and facing competition to achieve the visa of that specific country. But, this is where you need to seek the help of an expert immigration consultant.
In the view of consulting a good immigration consultancy, how do you pick the one that will increase your chances of obtaining a visa? Well, choosing a credible immigration consultancy is a must when it comes to experiencing a hassle-free immigration process.
                        Have no worries. Here is a rundown of 3 signs that prove the credibility of an immigration consultancy –

1    1.   Check whether it is a registered consultancy firm

                         You don’t want to end up seeking the help of someone who is a fraud or a hoax, do you? Well, the first step to choosing the best immigration consultants in Dubai and elsewhere is to make sure that the firm is registered with the immigration regulatory body of the country to where you are planning to immigrate.
                   This will ensure that your documents and your money are handed to someone you can rely on. It is a good practice to choose a consultancy firm instead of opting for an individual agent or a consultant. Thus, this decreases the chances of fraudulent cases.

2    2.   Look out for good testimonials and satisfactory services to the past clients

             In a critical field like this, experience matters the most, right? Having said that, it is necessary to research and obtain feedback about the immigration consultancy you are planning to choose. It is a good practice to go through their website and check their testimonials before you actually approach the firm.
            Make sure to talk to friends and family who have previously opted for such services. This will ensure that you get genuine reviews from the trusted sources. All things considered, select a consultancy that is best suited to handle your case and you are good to go!

3    3.       Make sure they offer transparency in dealings

                 Making you aware of the basic knowledge of immigration and the overall process is the responsibility of the immigration consultancy, right? Well, the consultancy should offer you a credible advice and good professional help is a total must. Make sure to choose a firm that is transparent in all the dealings it undertakes.
                In the light of the same, you must have a complete knowledge of the fees to be paid to the firm and the breakup of the same should be made clear to you. Make sure that they maintain straightforward communication with you. It is a good practice to sign a contract before obtaining the services and beginning with the process.

                Make sure to choose a firm that shows all these signs and paves way for your convenient immigration process.


                               Avoid falling into a trap and hunt for a genuine and reliable immigration consultancy. This will help aid your visa arrival without any hitch and you will be ready to fly to your dream country! 

Thursday, 16 August 2018

4 Things To Prepare For Moving To Canada

                    4 Things To Prepare For Moving To Canada 

                                  Moving to any country is extremely stressful as you will be changing base and have to take care of a lot of loose threads. This holds true when you are migrating to Canada as well. Keeping a checklist of all the things you need to prep for the move will help your cause. Get started with the following pointers that will assist you for the same:

                   1. Do Your Research – Ok, this is a standard process when you want to shift to any country per se. While you can always have the internet to fall back on, taking the help of immigration consultants in Sharjah works magic as they will guide you through the minute and the necessary details of the new country. The comprehensive information will include the weather of the place you will be staying in, the citizenship policies, healthcare, amenities, education, economy and so on and so forth. If you already have friends or family settled overseas in the country, you can also ask them about the pros, cons and what you need to take into consideration for the move. This will help you make an informed decision.

                  2. Know How to Make the Entry – There are many ways to enter Canada, viz investor immigration program or as a skilled worker. Weigh each of the options to find which one will be the most feasible for you/your family. Because each of these pathways will have different eligibility criteria, application, and selection procedure, you need to be completely sure about the route you are going to take for migrating to the country.

                3. Start Collecting the Documents – Documentation can be a big headache even when you have immigration consultants to help you. For instance, imagine a situation where you need to submit a specific document but can’t seem to find it. This is where it is important to have all the documents handy with you. Make it a point to collect them beforehand and keep them in one place. At the same time, scan all the documents and have the backup ready should you want it at a later time or want to send them instantly to the concerned person.

               4. Start Preparing Early – Canada immigration is relatively easier than most of the other countries. However, there will be certain eligibility criteria like the language and work experience. When you are well-prepared, it will help you easily get your hands on a Canadian visa. Learning French, adding a certificate or a diploma to enhance your skills are some of the ways you can increase your eligibility points and therefore, success rates for migrating.

                             These are some of the important points, which will help you prepare for moving to Canada. Have any questions that you have regarding it? Don’t hesitate to contact your immigration consultant for the same.

5 Advantages You Can Reap as a Canadian Citizen!

One of the best countries to settle in when you want to enjoy a better quality of life is Canada. Given its fantastic immigration laws and a vast expanse of opportunities for immigrants, the country is a favorite among skilled workers. So, what exactly are the advantages that you can reap as a Canadian citizen? Here are some pointers that will give you a better perspective:

1. Get More Options for Your Career 

 As a citizen of Canada, you can apply for more jobs. For instance, you will be eligible for certain government jobs, which not only need citizenship or for jobs that require high security clearances. Permanent residents on the other hand, will have only a limited number of options when it comes to their career.

2. Live Freely Anywhere 

 Another benefit on the list is that even when you are a citizen of the country, you are free to live outside of the country even for longer intervals. This is a privilege that is not for the Permanent residences, who need to stay in the country for a specific number of days and have to get the status renewed on a regular basis. As a citizen, you only have to get the passport renewed in the interval of once every 5-10 years. There’s also the option of being a dual citizen. Can it get any better than this? We guess not!!

3. Get Access To Many Countries 

 When you have a Canadian passport, you can travel to several countries without the need for any visa/get visa upon arrival. This includes UK, Germany and so on and so forth. If traveling is your first love, this is something that you might be interested in. Hence, it makes sense to become a citizen of the country.

4. Participate in Voting 

 Canada is a democratic nation and by being a citizen, you automatically become eligible for voting. You just have to be 18 years and above to vote for elections held at municipal, provincial and federal elections. This takes us to the next point.

5. Run For Office

Well, this is only for individuals who want to make a move in politics. Canadian citizenship allows you to run for office. Therefore, as a citizen, you can not only join the youth wing, but also run as an independent candidate in the municipal, federal or provincial elections.

6. Your Kids Will Also be Canadian Citizens 

 When you become a Canadian citizen, your kids will also become citizens of the country, irrespective of where they are born. There is no application process for them.

Calling it a Day

These are some of the major benefits that you can easily get once you are granted Canadian citizenship. Without waiting further, get in touch with the best Immigration consultants inDubai, who can help you take the steps that are needed for the same. They will be able to guide and support you in the best way from the very beginning.

5 أساطير شائعة حول الأنظمة الغذائية عليك التخلص منها

عندما ترغب في خسارة الوزن فأنت ببساطة تريد أن تفعل كل ما يمكنك من أجل التخلص من هذه الجرامات الزائدة. ولكن مع وجود العديد من الحميات المختلفة التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة من قبل المشاهير، فمن الصعب أن تقرر ما هو الأفضل بالنسبة لك. وأحياناً تكون المعلومات التي لديك بعيدة عن الحقيقة. لذا دعونا نلقي نظرة على بعض أشهر الأساطير المتعلقة بالأنظمة الغذائية لإنقاص الوزن والتي يجب عليك التخلص منها في دولة الاماراتالعربية المتحدة:

1.       تناول الطعام عندما تكون جائعاً: هل جرٌَبت النظام الغذائي الذي تجوٌع فيه نفسك وتأكل فقط عندما تكون جائعاً؟ ثم تشعر بالندم لأنك أكلت كمية طعام أكثر مما تأكله عادة؟ نعم، ما تفعله خطأ. المفتاح الرئيسي لفقدان الوزن هو الحفاظ على شعورك بالشبع من خلال تناول الطعام الصحي على فترات منتظمة. إبدأ يومك مع وجبة فطور ثقيلة وخفِض كمية الطعام التي تتناولها على الغذاء والعشاء وبين الوجبات. بشكل عام، أنت في حاجة إلى تناول الطعام الصحي كل 4-5 ساعات خلال اليوم.

2.       يمكنك أن تأكل ما تريد بإعتدال: هذه أسطورة أخرى يجب أن يتم التخلص منها على الفور! إذا قارنت البطاطس المقلية مع البطاطس المطبوخة في الفرن ستفوز الأخيرة بالتأييد من حيث القيمة الغذائية. لذا فإن فكرة تناول كل شيء بإعتدال يجب التخلص منها. وبدلاً من ذلك، تحتاج إلى الإعتماد على نظام غذائي يشمل تناول الطعام الصحي.

3.       كل ما تحتاج إليه هو نظام غذائي منخفض الكربوهيدرات: الكثير من الناس يعتقدون بشكل عام أن إتباع نظام غذائي منخفض الكربوهيدرات هو كل ما يحتاجونه للقضاء على الجرامات الزائدة في الجسم. ولكن، هذا الأمر لا يحدث عندما يتم تخفيض كمية الكربوهيدرات وزيادة كمية البروتين. إن فقدان الوزن السريع الذي يحدث نتيجة إتباع مثل هذا النظام الغذائي يقوم فقط بإستنزاف مخازن الجليكوجين الخاصة بالطاقة. وبعد أسبوع أو أسبوعين تصل عملية فقدان الوزن السريع إلى طريق مسدود.

4.       بعض أنواع الحمية تجعلك تخسر السيلوليت: غالباً ما يكون السيلوليت وراثياً، وليس له علاقة بالأنظمة الغذائية. فالسلوليت هو مجرد دهون تالفة نتيجة لخلايا الدهون غير المُستوية والمُخزنة تحت الجلد ويبدو شكلها مزعج. ويمكن التخلص منها من خلال بعض تقنيات فقدان الوزن التي تشمل التدليك. ولكن لا علاقة للأمر بما تأكله.

5.       الدهون الصحية في النظام الغذائي تجعلك تشعر بالشبع: من بين جميع المكونات الغذائية فإن الدهون هي أكثر مادة تبقى لوقت طويل في المعدة/ الجهاز الهضمي. نظراً لأنها تأخذ وقت طويل في عملية الهضم ولذلك تُعطيك شعور بالشبع لفترة أطول. هذه الأسطورة لا أساس لها من الصحة،  فإذا كنت تتطلع إلى الشعور بالشبع الكامل فأنت بحاجة للذهاب إلى البروتينات.

والآن بعد أن تعرفت على الشائعات العابرة حول الأنظمة الغذائية، هذا وقت قيامك بوضع أفضل خطة يمكنها أن تعمل لصالح جسدك. تحتاج إلى المزيد من الأفكار حول فقدان الوزن؟ إستمر في متابعة هذه المساحة.

4 Thrilling Bucket-List Ideas For Couples

Are you tired of the same old candlelit dinner and movie dates? Are you looking for some adventure to spice up things a little? Well, then how about some heart-pumping adventures? Adrenaline rush gets better when shared with someone you love and offers you some lifelong memories!
Having said that, you must indulge in daring adventures as a couple and start checking off ideas from your bucket list. Here are some thrilling bucket-list ideas that you must consider for your next trip.

1.    Safari in South Africa

How about grabbing a drink with a baby elephant or getting some sloppy kisses from the giraffe? Well, the wildlife safaris in South Africa have got you guys covered!
South Africa revels in its role as a safari connoisseur and offers the most exciting and unique wildlife experiences. As you nestle into a luxury escape, the African safari promises you some exotic species of animals and some vast landscapes. All in all, it would be a great hideaway of relaxation and romance in the wild!

2.     Hot air balloon ride in Dubai

How about a nerve-racking romance in a hot air balloon in Dubai? If you are looking forward to romance in the skies, Dubai has got you covered for this one!
It would be a magical experience to witness the sand dunes from feet above with your partner. This kind of adventure promises a totally unique perspective as your drift over the horizon at sunrise or sunset. With a beautiful medley of romance and adventure, hot air balloon ride is a must-try activity!

3.    Zip-lining over the Grand Canyon

How about diving into the splashes of pink, orange and red rock formations overlooking the great divide? Yeah, the Grand Canyon has got some nail-biting adventure for you travel-junkies!
Launching yourself with your loved one, on the edge of the Grand Canyon will surely be a thrilling experience for couples. This activity promises to enrich your bond over the vast nothingness spread out in the Grand Canyon West. Fly with your love to a destination unknown!

4.    Diving at Great Barrier Reef

How about some love under the water? Well, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, is a superb place to indulge in the best scuba diving!
Diving in the natural wonders of the world, the calm, protected parts of the island, will certainly promise a relaxing therapy for the couples. You will get to experience the rich underwater life like the interesting corals and fishes. Dive into the aquatic adventure and romance like the marine fishes!

The experiences of these coolest adventures will get enhanced if you have your better half by your side.


All things considered, take your love out of the box and go for these amazing date ideas. Don’t wait up and take your love to new heights by checking off items in this bucket-list!

How Can Chemical Peels Treat Hyper-pigmentation?

Do you have skin troubles in terms of dark spots, heavy pigmentation and melasma? Has the sun taken a toll on your skin, leaving a tan that refuses to go no matter what? This is where chemical skin peels are a savior and helps you maintain an even skin tone. They surely help defeat the other, less effective measures of skin care in UAE.

What are chemical peels and how can they help your skin?

It’s a known fact that our body sheds dead skin cells as a natural process and give way to new cells. This regeneration process of the cell slows down and runs into trouble as we age. This leads to complexion issues such as hyperpigmentation.

Chemical peels, as the name suggests, help the body “peel” away those unwanted skin and speeds up the regeneration process. The peel basically breaks the bond between the old and the unwanted cells and page the way for new cell growth. Because different chemical peels serve different purposes, here are some of the specific peels that target hyperpigmentation.

1. Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid peels are a part of the fruit acid family which is derived from sugar cane. These contain alpha-hydroxy acid and are considered to be one of the mildest and popular skin peels. These can be used to treat the hyperpigmentation on the surface layers of the skin. The main benefit of the peel is that there’s no downtime post the treatment. You can also use the skin treatment in UAE for wrinkles and acne. Hence, when you opt for the peel, your skin will appear young with no signs of pigmentation. Remember, the peel is a basic one and the side effects will be few and far between.

2. Salicylic Acid  

Salicylic Acid peels are also known as beta peels because these contain beta-hydroxy acid. These are helpful in exfoliating the top layers of the skin. However, these peels also include antibacterial properties, which can clean and renew the pores on the face. If you have sensitive and damaged skin, clogged pores, oily skin that is prone to seborrheic dermatitis and acne, this is the perfect peel for you. You can also use the peel to improve the texture of the skin and to get an even complexion.

3. Trichloroacetic – TCA

TCA or Trichloroacetic peels are mainly used to take care of skin imperfections such as warts. These are stronger and can penetrate deeper into the skin as compared to other peels. Hence, if you have hyperpigmentation that’s deep within the skin, this is the peel that you should look forward to. It can be applied to the face, the neck, hands and legs. Even when it comes to treating isolated areas of the skin, you can opt for this treatment. 

Get Spot Reduction In 5 Amazing Ways

Have hyperpigmentation, spots, melasma or other skin issues that have led to an uneven skin tone? Well, you are not the only ones. And you are not going to be stuck with them for all your life either! So, what are some of the ways in which you can get spot reduction? Here are some tips that will help you out.

1. Don’t Touch The Zit (Or Your Face) – Your hands and nails have many bacteria, which even you are possibly not aware of. Hence, as hard as it is to resist touching that outbreak on your skin, make it a point to not touch it or else it will leave permanent scars on your face. What you can do instead is opt for a topical cream recommended by your skin specialist or dermatologist and apply it as directed by them. This will reduce the zits and keep your skin clear.

2. Use a Skin Cleansing Brush – 
Skin cleansing brushes are amazing for deep cleansing your skin. They will help you eliminate all the dead skin cells, which are there on the skin by gently exfoliating it. Moreover, it also removes the top layer of the skin in a way, which also includes the unsightly spots and other marks. All you need to remember is to keep this brush clean and replacing as and when needed.

3. Focus on the Night Care –
You may be taking sufficient care of your skin during the day. But does it also hold true for the night as well? Make sure that you have a complete nighttime regimen as it is the time when the skin will heal or repair itself. For instance, if you are opting for a treatment for skin whitening in Oman, you may be asked to use a special formula to be used right before your bedtime. This will surely keep those spots away.

4. Use a Sunscreen Without Fail –
Sun exposure is one of the major reason why you may be forming permanent spots on your skin, apart from tanning. Hence, do carry your sunscreen with SPF 30 or more wherever you go. If you have oily skin, then opt for a sunscreen that is water based. Similarly, go for a hydrating sunscreen if you have a dry skin.

5. Eat Well –
While this has nothing directly to do with spot correction when you eat a balanced and nutritious diet, you can be assured that the skin will be soft, supple and retain the hydration levels. This will prevent future breakouts from occurring. 

 These are some of the ways you can eradicate spots from your skin and prevent new ones from occurring. Have some more tips that can be added to the list? Let us know in the comments.