Friday, 14 September 2018

روتين الخريف اليومي للعناية بالبشرة لكل امرأة

الخريف هو الوقت الذي يتغير فيه الطقس بشكل كبيرإنه لا يؤدي فقط إلى تغيُر في الجو والمناظر، ولكن أيضًا في مظهر شعرك وجلدكهذا هو الوقت الذي تحتاجين فيه إلى التأكُد من أنكِ تأخذين بعض الرعاية الوقائية للتأكُد من أن شعرك وبشرتك في أفضل حال ممكن. نُلقي الضوء على العناية بالبشرة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بشكل خاص، وإليكِ ما تحتاجه كل امرأة كي تبدو مُتألقة: 
١تغيير المُنتجات - الخطوة الأساسية التي يتعين عليكِ القيام بها مع بداية الخريف أو خلاله هي تغيير المُنتجاتهذا لأنه في حين أن الصيف سوف يجعل جلدك أكثر قابلية للتعرُق، فإن هذا الموسم سيجعله أكثر جفافًا ويحتاج إلى مُنظف لطيف يتركه ناعماً ومُشرقاً بعد كل غسلةالمُنتجات الطبيعية التي تحتوي على مواد للترطيب هي الأفضل لهذا الفصل. ويُمكنك إستخدامها مرتين في اليوم لإستعادة نعومة البشرة. 

٢إختيار المكياج الذي يحتوي على مُرطبات - يُمكنك إستخدام المكياج الخالي من المُرطبات لأشهر الصيف للحد من تعرُق البشرة، ولكن في الأشهر التي تسبق فصل الشتاء، ستحتاج بشرتك إلى الترطيبهذا لأن بشرتك ستُنتج دهون أقل من المُعتادومن ثم، عليكِ اللجوء إلى المكياج الذي يحتوي على الزيوت أو المرطبات مثل كريم الأساس الذي يحتوي على الماء ومرطبات الشفاه المختلفة وما إلى ذلك. 

٣التقشير المُناسب - نتائج التقشير يُمكن أن تكون رائعة بالنسبة لبشرتك، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتخلص من البُقع الناتجة عن الشمس والشحوب وجفاف الجلدهذا هو السبب وراء ضرورة إختيار نوع التقشير المُناسب والذي يُساعد في القضاء على العديد من مُشكلات الجلد. قومي بإستخدامه مرتين في الأسبوع للحصول على أفضل النتائج. 

٤إغلاق المسام - خلال أشهر الخريف، تميل المسام إلى أن تُصبح أوسع من المُعتادفي هذه الحالة، من الأفضل دائمًا إستخدام مسحوق التونر لإغلاق المسام. وبدلاً من ذلك، يُمكن إستخدم أقنعة الوجه التي تعمل على إغلاق المسام بعد التخلُص من كل الزيوت والشوائب لتجعل بشرتك تبدو مُشرقة بشكل كبيرجربي صُنع بعض الأقنعة المرطّبة في المنزل أو قومي بشراء بعض أقنعة الوجه الجاهزة من إحدى عيادات العناية بالبشرة بالقرب منك للحصول على النتائج المرجوة. 

قد يكون فصل الخريف عدو جلدك وشعرك، ولكن هذ النصائح سوف تُفيدك في مواجهة كل ذلكهل لديك أي نصائح أخرى يمكن إضافتها إلى هذه القائمة؟ إسمحوا لنا أن نعرف في التعليقاتنحن نتطلع إلى ذلك! 

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

4 Tips To Up Your Luxury Dressing Game This Autumn

It is the season of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, maple syrup everything and fresh candles and potpourri. Yes, we are talking about autumn, the season when fashion is in full swing because you get to bring out your boots, jackets, headgears and many other accessories that you had carefully tucked away in your wardrobes.

Because each year Fall fashion is almost as different as chalk and cheese, you need to up your luxury dressing game in advance to make the heads turn. Here are our tips that you will find immensely handy:

1.      Turtlenecks – Turtlenecks are back in vogue and you can pair them with your denim or leather mini skirt along with oxfords. Throw in a grey cardigan and a baker boy hat to rock the chic look. This option is not only trendy but will also help you keep warm. You can also pair up turtleneck tops with dungarees and culottes or experiment with just about anything and still look every bit a fashionista!

2.      Plaid Coat and Dress – Have a plain slip-on dress? Team it up with a plaid coat and shoes of your choice. Don’t forget to accessorize it in the best possible way. A stylish clutch and a choker will complete the look. If you are wondering where to source the outfit from, do make it a point to shop luxury dress collection online from a leading fashion store.

3.      Knotted T-Shirt – Give a unique twist to your basics such as a t-shirt by wearing it on high-waist jeans and knotting it from the front. Wear a denim or a tweed jacket over it and you’ll look dapper! Alternatively, you can also settle for crop-tops with leather jackets in the same manner and paint the town red. Your favorite pair of pumps is another piece that will amplify your style game.

4.      Prints and Checks – Prints and checks are all over the town this season. Be it animal prints like zebra and leopard or tartan and plaid checks. Both will look classy provided that you pair them nicely with other pieces of women luxury clothing online.
The Wrap

These are some of the useful tips that you can use to look incredibly fashionable this Autumn with a luxurious touch. Have more tips for our readers? Or how do you like to dress up in this season? Feel free to share them with us in the comments.

Do's and Don'ts of Caring for Acne Prone Skin

Dealing with acne is a tough call. There are numerous over-the-counter products that promise to work magic on them. But in reality, no matter what you do, the plan tends to backfire, leading to more breakouts. In such situations, you are left with no choice but to opt for specialized skin treatment in Oman and elsewhere.  

On that note, what exactly are the measures that you need to take in order to keep your breakouts in check, especially when you have an acne prone skin? Here are some of the pointers that you can take into consideration: 

1.       Don’t Wash It Too Much - The first rule of the thumb is to skip washing your face way too often, especially with a face wash. What you need to do instead is a switch to a dermatologically-approved, mild facewash and use it to cleanse the surface of your face but no more than twice a day. This is because cleansing your face will not make the acne worse, but also lead to extreme dryness and inflammation. Therefore, you will be left with itchy and sore skin.  

2.       Do Check the Products  Whenever you are all set to purchase the products for skin care, make it a point to check the ingredients present. Ideally, seek products that contain hydroxy acids such as lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids. These help you control acne and breakout to a major extent. Similarly, if you are opting for a treatment such as chemical peels, they should also include these ingredients or the properties to be effective.  

3.       Do Skip Exfoliants – Just like too much cleansing, too much scrubbing can also prove to be detrimental to your health. This is because it can irritate your inflamed skin further and lead to tearing. A gentle exfoliant can still be used, but make sure that it is devoid of the rough particles that are bad for your skin.  

4.       Don’t Touch the Face – It might be tempting for some of you, but do no pick, touch, pop or squeeze any of the acne/breakouts on your skin. This can lead to temporary or permanent scarring.  

5.       Do Regularly Visit A Clinic – Have a skin clinic that offers acne treatments? Visit the clinic on a regular basis so that your skin issues are under control to a large extent. If the skin specialist asks you to apply some topical medications, do that without fail. 

These are some of the basic do’s and don’ts of dealing with breakouts when you have an acne prone skin. For more such tips, keep a tab on this space!